
2016-07-13 16:23:22来源:网络





  Task One: Interpreting from English into Chinese

  Directions: Please do not do interpreting when you listen to the speech this time.

  A Speech by the Chairman and CEO of IBM in Beijing

  Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, •

  IBM has enjoyed a relationship with China that has endured for more than half a century, but I do not believe there has ever been a more exciting time to be doing business here. \fest new opportunities are bang created by your sweeping modernization and ambitious government-led reform programs for thousands of state-owned enterprises.

  This transformation, I believe, will underscore the critical importance of information technology as a driver of competitive success and economic growth for China.

  So today, I want to talk to you about what I believe has to be on the agenda for every leader of a corporation, government agency, university, or hospital anywhere in the world - the agenda regarding information technology.

  Some of you know that before I came to IBM, my background was much like yours I was an IBM customer, a customer of the computer industry I arrived at IBM I with the firm conviction that this technology is one of those transformational technologies that comes along every hundred years or so and changes everything in society.

  Today, in almost every industry in almost every part of the world there are many examples of enterprises applying information technology to increase their competitiveness. I think we're seeing this technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a small group of skilled professionals

  Networking technology is still in its infancy, yet it has already reached the point where we can call it a new mass medium. Less than 5 years after the birth of the Internet, some 90 million people are online around the world, and that number will soon be hundreds of millions. Here in China, the number of Internet users has nearly doubled since last October, and I've seen statistics that say your Internet population will exceed 7 million people by the year 2002

  Directions: Now listen again. Please begin interpreting when you hear a beep.

  1. Today, in almost every industry in almost every part of the world there are many examples of enterprises applying information technology to increase their competitiveness.

  2. I think we're seeing this technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a small group of skilled professionals.

  3. Networking technology is still in its infancy, yet it has already reached the point where we can call it a new mass medium.

  4. Less than 5 years after the birth of the Internet, some 90 million people are online around the world, and that number will soon be hundreds of millions.

  5. Here in China, the number of Internet users has nearly doubled since last October, and I've seen statistics that say your Internet population will exceed 7 million people by the year 2002.

  Task Two: Interpreting from Chinese into English

  Directions: Please do not do interpreting when you listen to the speech this time.



  7月11日是我国为伟大的航海家郑和首次下西洋600周年纪念日.近来. 社会各界乃至全球华人以各种形式纪念郑和下西洋的伟大创举。纪念活动表达了对历史的尊重、对现实的关注和对未来的期盼。今天开幕的国际学术论坛活动即是其一.在此,我代表中共江苏省委、江苏省人民政府,对论坛的举行表示热烈的祝贺,对各位来宾、海内外专家学者的到来表示诚挚的欢迎!

  公元1405年至1433年.郑和率领庞大的船队,从江苏太仓出发,七下西洋,往返于中国和亚非30多个国家之间。其规模之大、人数之多、范围之广、技术之新都是前所未有的.这汷“纪念那和下西洋600周年国际学术论坛” 在江苏举行,众多海内外专家:、学者、来宾欢聚一堂,既是一次总结百年来郑和研究成果的学术交流大会,又是一次传承文明、弘扬郑和精神、推进江苏改革开放和现代化建设的发展大会。

  郑和下西洋充分展示了中华民族的高超智慧和非凡勇气,证明了中华民族在历史上就致力于打开国门、走向世界.今天,我们要继承弘扬郑和精神,坚定不移地执行外开放政策,以开发的精神、开阔的胸襟,广交天下宾客.• 最后预祝论坛圆满成功。

  Directions: Now listen again. Please begin interpreting when you hear a beep.

  1. 近来,社会各界乃至全球华人都在以各种形式纪念郑和下西洋的伟人创举。

  2. 纪念活动表达了对历史的尊重、对现实的关注和对未来的期盼。

  3. 公元1405年至1433年,郑和率领庞大的船队,从江苏太仓出发,七下西洋,往返于中国和亚非30多个国家之间。

  4. 其规模之大、人数之多、范围之广、技术之新都是前所未有的。

  5. 郑和下西洋充分展示了中华民族的高超智慧和非凡勇气,证明了中华民族在历史上就致力于打开国门、走向世界。

  Task Three: Making a comment on a given topic

  Directions: Please read the following passage carefully and then express your views on the given event. You will have four minutes for preparation. The time limit for your comment is three minutes.

  Should firecrackers and fireworks be allowed during the Sparing Festival?

  In many big cities, firecrackers and fireworks have been banned for a number of years because of safety and environmental concerns Recently, however, some people have suggested that the government should lift the ban during the Spring Festival because, in their opinion, firecrackers and fireworks are an integral part of the traditional Chinese New Year celebration and, without them, the Spring Festival lacks a true festival atmosphere Some cities have thus lifted the ban but many others have not Suppose you were the mayor of a big city, v^iere people's views on. this issue could not be reconciled. What do you think the government should do? Please give reasons to support your ideas.







  3. 网络技术还处于初级阶段,但是它已经达到了一个阶段,可以被称为新的大众媒体.

  4.互联网出现不到5年时间,全世界就有了约9千万用户, 很快用户将会数以亿辻



  1 Recently, people from all walks of life in China as well as overseas Chinese around the world are holding various activities to commemorate the great achievement of Zhenghe's Ocean*going voyages"

  2 All these commemorations show our respect for the past, concern for the present,and expectation for the future.

  3. From 1405 to 1433, Zhenghe commanded a grand fleet 7 times to the Pacific and Indian Oceans, setting out from Taicang Jiangsu Province, traveling between China and over 30 countries in Asia and Africa -

  4. His voyages were unparallel in terms of the scale of the fleet the technology ’

  5. Zhenghe's expeditions have reflected Chinese people’s supreme wisdom and utmost courage and proved Chinese nation’s early effort in opening up to the outside world.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学


