
2016-08-18 10:45:31来源:网络



  It is never too early for you to learn about the value of money as a teenager. Many teens haveno concept what it takes to earn money or what it costs to live. Lifestyle may have an influenceon how you understand money since this is especially true for teens from affluent families. Ifyou live in low income area like other teens you may often struggle to obtain money sometimesresorting to criminal acts to get money when you need it. The following article discusses someimportant things about teens and money issues including:


  When you're given money you should learn how to handle the money wisely. While some teensare taught at a young age to save what they have other teens have no idea how to keep a dimein their pocket and will spend their money on the first thing they see. You need to learn goodmoney habits as soon as you have money of your own through work or other sources.


  Earning Extra Money


  If you are a teen looking to get some extra money you have some options available. If youhave not saved money in the past you will be starting from scratch. It is possible for you toearn money by doing odd jobs around the neighborhood such as mowing lawns and babysitting.Some teens will even start their own lawn care business and that's an idea you can use. Petwalking and pet sitting is also another great way for teens to earn money until they are oldenough to get a job; so consider these ideas!


  Saving Money


  When teens have found a way to earn money they should start saving some of what they earn.Remember good money habits start young! If you have a bank account you can deposit some ofyour earnings there. However you may also have an account managed by your parents that youaren't given access to until you are a certain age. Another way to save your money is to have aplace in your room where you can safely keep the money they have earned. Even though yourwill have access to this money at all times you will be able to see how much they have earnedand can keep some money put aside.


  Learning Value


  It is very common for teens to not understand the value of money. This is generally becausethey have not had to work for their money. You may receive it in gifts from family members andfriends.


  Teaching Value to Young Teens


  Your parents and other adults in your life should teach you how to manage your money. Onceyou have found a way to make money the best thing is for you to have a savings account. Eachtime you earn some money part of the amount should be deposited into the account. This willteach you how to save and will also show them that they are being rewarded for your work byhaving the ability to watch their account grow. If someone in your life tries to teach you thesetricks of money management make sure you pay attention!


  Older Teens and the Value of Money


  It can be harder to learn the value of money by the time you are 15. You might find that youwant to buy the latest things on the market and you might not be so concerned about thevalue of money or what these items truly cost. If you are in this age group and do have a part-time job you're allowed to spend some of your money but do need learn! Having an ATM cardcan help you learn how to manage your own money and realize that you can only spend whatyou have earned. Once the money is gone it's gone!



  start from scratch 白手起家

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学


