2019英语专八听力mini lecture全真模拟训练MP3附文本(二十二)

2019-02-26 11:31:00来源:网络

2019英语专八听力mini lecture全真模拟训练MP3附文本(二十二)

  2019专八考试临近,寒假期间专八考生们也别松懈了对专八听力的训练,新东方在线专八频道整理了2019英语专八听力mini lecture全真模拟训练MP3附文本,希望大家认真复习。

2019英语专八听力mini lecture全真模拟训练MP3附文本汇总



  [00:13.51]Section A MINI-LECTURE

  [00:16.97]In this section you will hear a mini-lecture.

  [00:20.29]You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY.

  [00:23.73]While listening to the mini-lecture,

  [00:25.82]please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE

  [00:30.29]and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

  [00:34.70]Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically

  [00:39.23]and semantically acceptable.

  [00:41.85]You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.

  [00:45.67]You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

  [01:19.89]Now, listen to the mini-lecture.

  [01:22.30]When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes

  [01:25.05]to check your work.

  [01:27.79]Choosing a Foreign Language to Study

  [01:30.91]Good morning, everyone.

  [01:32.62]Welcome all of you to the lecture "series of languages orientation".

  [01:38.05]The fact that you are sitting here means

  [01:40.23]that you are interested in learning a foreign language.

  [01:43.27]Out of the thousands of languages in the world,

  [01:46.04]how do you choose which one is the best for you to study?

  [01:49.61]It depends on many things, including your reasons for study

  [01:53.48]and your own language background among others.

  [01:56.53]Now I am going to offer some questions you should ask yourself

  [02:00.32]that will help you narrow down your options

  [02:02.75]and choose the ideal foreign language for you.

  [02:06.45]The first question: What are your reasons for embarking on foreign language study?

  [02:12.64]There are many reasons why people choose to study foreign languages.

  [02:17.16]Think about your own motivations

  [02:19.37]and know what you want to accomplish by undertaking this task.

  [02:23.97]Doing so will guide you toward the best language for you to start with.

  [02:28.65]For instance, some people who are of a certain ethnic background

  [02:32.82]are motivated to learn the language of their ancestors.

  [02:36.63]Some people want to study a language

  [02:39.03]simply because they think it's pretty or interesting,

  [02:42.58]and others want to study a foreign language in order to increase their job prospects.

  [02:48.52]If you want to increase your job prospects, for example,

  [02:51.61]and you live in the United States, Spanish would be an excellent choice.

  [02:56.59]Mandarin Chinese is good if you want to go into international business,

  [03:01.15]and Arabic is ideal for people who want to go into international relations

  [03:05.88]or have any type of career in the military.

  [03:09.15]These are just a couple of examples, however.

  [03:12.10]It depends on which country you live in and what your choice of career is.

  [03:17.55]The second question is: what is your own linguistic background?

  [03:22.02]Are you a native monolingual English speaker

  [03:25.28]who has never studied another language before?

  [03:28.14]If so, your attempt to learn Spanish will be harder than it would be for someone

  [03:33.12]who has studied Italian or Portuguese or who is bilingual in these languages,

  [03:38.62]since Spanish is similar in grammatical structure and vocabulary

  [03:42.98]to both Italian and Portuguese.

  [03:46.15]Thirdly, you should ask yourself: how much time do you have to study it?

  [03:51.26]No matter which language you choose,

  [03:53.56]you will have to put time aside every day to study it,

  [03:57.17]at least half an hour to an hour's time.

  [04:00.47]But some languages will understandably take longer for you to learn than others.

  [04:06.08]For example, if you want to learn to speak Russian in six months,

  [04:10.00]and you only have an English-speaking background,

  [04:12.93]this would be very, very difficult

  [04:15.41]unless you have tons of free time throughout the day.

  [04:19.34]Getting to an intermediate level of conversation in Norwegian

  [04:22.82]in that amount of time at an hour a day,

  [04:25.51]on the other hand, with an English-only background, is much more realistic,

  [04:30.74]due to Norwegian's relative similarity to English compared to Russian.

  [04:36.03]Fourthly, how much access do you have to native speakers

  [04:40.18]with whom you can practice? This is important.

  [04:43.70]Whether the native speakers are in your family, in your community,

  [04:47.43]or online in another country doesn't matter.

  [04:51.01]As long as you can reach them on a regular basis

  [04:53.81]to have conversations with them, they can help you improve your fluency.

  [04:58.49]Remember in order to speak a foreign language, you need to speak it!

  [05:04.95]The native speakers can help you with your pronunciation and vocabulary.

  [05:09.62]Try to tell them in your new language that you are just learning

  [05:13.48]and would like to talk with them in their native tongue.

  [05:17.07]You can ask for feedback from them in the foreign language as well;

  [05:21.15]don't be shy about it. Doing this will help you feel more comfortable in the language.

  [05:27.46]The point is, you should choose a foreign language

  [05:30.14]that you can speak with others on a regular basis.

  [05:34.12]Do you live in a community with a lot of Spanish speakers

  [05:37.17]with whom you can easily converse, or do you have a couple of friends

  [05:41.56]who are native Hindi speakers, for instance?

  [05:44.73]Assess your surroundings to see which language you can most easily be exposed to.

  [05:50.91]Fifthly, how much access do you have to study materials?

  [05:55.40]With the advent of the Internet, there are now thousands of resources

  [05:59.31]for many different languages, both in print and audio form.

  [06:04.70]There is a lot of beginner-level material out there for languages,

  [06:09.44]but you will need the entire spectrum of study materials, from beginner to advanced.

  [06:15.00]If you want to reach an advanced level in the language,

  [06:17.68]you will want advanced-level study materials.

  [06:21.06]You will need access to audio in order to hear the language,

  [06:25.20]so choose a language for which there are a lot of audio options,

  [06:29.30]including advanced levels.

  [06:31.86]Make sure you can locate enough study materials

  [06:35.23]to support your eventual progress in the language.

  [06:38.77]Finally, do you want to go beyond just speaking the language to reading and writing?

  [06:44.58]Some people just are satisfied being able to converse in a foreign language;

  [06:50.44]others want to be able to read and write.

  [06:53.68]If you choose a language like French,

  [06:55.75]which is written in the same alphabet as English,

  [06:58.61]the learning curve will not be as high as it would be

  [07:01.80]if you decide to start learning Japanese, for example.

  [07:05.71]Bear this in mind when you make your decision.

  [07:09.76]Whether you are a language hobbyist,

  [07:11.75]a high school or college student looking to complete some elective courses,

  [07:16.23]a job seeker wanting to expand your skill set,

  [07:19.15]or just someone who wants a new challenge,

  [07:21.60]choosing the right foreign language to study is crucial.

  [07:25.67]Apply these questions to your own situation,

  [07:28.35]and soon you will find the foreign language that suits your needs.

  [07:34.23]Now you have THREE minutes to check your work.

  [10:38.88]This is the end of Section A MINI-LECTURE.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学



  • 2022年大学英语专八词汇整理 (14)


    来源 : 网络 2021-07-09 14:39:00 关键字 : 专四听力 专四

  • 2022年大学英语专八词汇整理 (13)


    来源 : 网络 2021-07-09 14:39:00 关键字 : 专四听力 专四

  • 2022年大学英语专八词汇整理 (12)


    来源 : 网络 2021-07-08 14:39:00 关键字 : 专八听力 专八

  • 2022年大学英语专八词汇整理 (11)


    来源 : 网络 2021-07-08 14:39:00 关键字 : 专八听力 专八

  • 2022年大学英语专八词汇整理 (10)


    来源 : 网络 2021-07-08 14:39:00 关键字 : 专八听力 专八
