
2019-03-05 15:28:27来源:网络



  Task One: Interpreting from English into Chinese

  Directions: Please do not do interpreting when you listen to the speech this time.

  Speech on China-US Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Forum

  Good morning,

  This is the second time the China General Chamber of Commerce has given me the privilege of sharing my thoughts on the commercial partnership between our nations. So, I want extend the sincere thanks to the CGCC for the invitation and opportunity to speak to all of you again today.

  As head of the International Trade Administration, I am keenly aware that China is a critical partner in the advancing the trade efforts of our businesses and our country. In fact, today, China is our third largest export market where we delivered a record 124 billion dollars in goods last year. And as China's largest export market, it's clear that the US is also a critical partner in advancing the trade efforts of China and its business community.

  One area of our partnership lies in our SME communities. From the US side, our small and medium-sized enterprises are the backbone of our economy and our export base. In fact, 92% of the US firms that export to China are SMEs. As for China's SME community, today SMEs are more than an essential contributor to the Chinese economy. According to official Chinese statistics, small and medium-sized enterprises over the years have accounted for a majority of urban employment, national GDP, tax revenues, new products, new patent applications and appropriately majority of the country's exports.

  The collective commercial power of our SME communities is precisely why we launched the US China SME policy dialogue, and why we are having this forum right now. The US and China today are commercial competitors, but it is a competition that has our countries striving together to spur growth for our businesses, to generate prosperity for our workers, and to deepen the ties of our two great nations. And that competition, that collective striving between our countries fuels the most consequential commercial partnership in the world today.

  Thanks for listening.

  When you listen this time, begin interpreting when you hear a beep.

  1. This is the second time the China General Chamber of Commerce has given me the privilege of sharing my thoughts on the commercial partnership between our nations.

  2. In fact, today, China is our third largest export market where we delivered a record 124 billion dollars in goods last year.

  3. And as China's largest export market, it's clear that the US is also a critical partner in advancing the trade efforts of China and its business community.

  4. According to official Chinese statistics, small and medium-sized enterprises over the years have accounted for a majority of urban employment, national GDP, tax revenues, new products, new patent applications and appropriately majority of the country's exports.

  5. But it is a competition that has our countries striving together to spur growth for our businesses, to generate prosperity for our workers, and to deepen the ties of our two great nations.


  1. 这是在下第二次有幸受到中国商业联合会所托,就中美两国的商务合作关系发表看法。

  2. 事实上,中国目前是我们的第三大出口市场,去年我们的货物出口贸易额达到了创纪录的1240 亿美元。

  3. 显而易见,作为中国最大的出口市场,美国也是推动中国及其工商界贸易努力的重要合作伙伴。

  4. 据中国官方公布的统计数据,中小企业多年来一直是城市就业、国民生产总值、税收、新产品和新专利申请的主要贡献者,也算得上是国家出口贸易的主力军。

  5. 但彼此的竞争能促使两国共同努力,从而令我们的企业增长,为我们的工人创造繁荣,并进一步深化我们两个伟大国家的关系。

  Task Two: Interpreting from Chinese into English.

  Directions: Please do not do interpreting when you listen to the speech this time.

  驻英国大使在“2016 年国家优秀自费留学生奖学金”颁奖仪式上的讲话

  很高兴参加本次颁奖活动。首先,热烈祝贺今年获奖的40 位同学,我为同学们取得的成绩感到骄傲。人才是国家的根基。当今世界,综合国力竞争日趋激烈,说到底就是人才竞争,尤其是青年人才的竞争。






  When you listen this time, begin interpreting when you hear a beep.

  1. 人才是国家的根基。当今世界,综合国力竞争日趋激烈,说到底就是人才竞争,尤其是青年人才的竞争。

  2. 同学们身在国外,既要刻苦学习各方面知识和技能,也要关心国家发展,了解国家发展需求,掌握最新政策动向,将祖国发展置于更宽广的国际视野中。

  3. 随着经济全球化深入发展,新一轮科技革命和产业革命迅猛发展,中国正从“跟跑者”变成“领跑者”。

  4. 实现中华民族伟大复兴,是中华民族近代以来最伟大的梦想,也是我们和你们这一代人的历史使命。

  5. 人的一生只有一次青春,我衷心希望你们用“中国梦”激扬青春梦,用奋斗的青春成就未来,成长为有理想、有担当的国家栋梁之才!


  1. Talented people are amongst the most valuable resources of any nation. In today's world, countries are competing for greater comprehensive national strength. In essence, this is a competition of the most talented, particularly the young talents.

  2. Here you are, away from home, studying hard, learning new things and increasing your capability. At the same time, it is equally important not to lose sight of what's happening back home: How has your country developed? What does she need for further growth? What are the latest policies? Studying in Britain gives you an international perspective on China's development.

  3. Today's world is undergoing a profound process of economic globalization. That means a new round of technological and industrial revolution is fast advancing. In this process, China's role is changing from a follower to a front-runner.

  4. National renewal is the greatest dream of the Chinese nation in modern history. It is the historical mission of my generation and your generation.

  5. Youth comes but once in a lifetime. I sincerely hope that China Dream inspires your dreams! My young fellow countrymen: Take up your historical responsibility. Invest your youthful efforts in building a better future. This is the way I hope you will all grow to become pillars of our nation.

  Task Three: Making a comment on a given topic.

  Directions: Please read the following passage carefully and then express your views on the given topic. You will have four minutes for preparation. The time limit for your comment is three minutes.

  Internship: is it really necessary?

  Most college students work as interns during their last college year. However, is such internship really necessary? Some people support the practice because they think it helps students gain many job opportunities and sometimes ever job offers, but others believe that such internship is unnecessary as it cuts short academic study and would have a negative influence on students. What is your opinion?

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学


