
2019-04-16 13:30:31来源:网络



  再和大家强调一下:2019英语专四听力理解Section A: Talk本部分由一个500个单词的微型讲座(mini-lecture)和一项填空任务组成。要求学生边听边做笔记,然后完成填空任务。考试时间10分钟。本部分共10道填空题。


  [00:01.39]SECTION A TALK

  [00:03.91]In this section you will hear a talk.

  [00:07.28]You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY.

  [00:10.20]While listening,

  [00:11.71]you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE

  [00:14.01]and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

  [00:18.38]Make sure the word(s) you fill in

  [00:21.54]is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable.

  [00:27.22]You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.

  [00:30.89]You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

  [01:06.46]Now listen to the talk.

  [01:08.63]When it is over, you will be given

  [01:10.69]TWO minutes to complete your work.

  [01:15.66]5 Tips to Know Before Your First Lab Class

  [01:20.59]As students, you do much of your learning

  [01:23.46]sitting inside a classroom,

  [01:25.72]listening to an instructor lecture.

  [01:28.83]Such learning can sometimes feel repetitive and boring.

  [01:34.12]Thus, many students are excited by the fun

  [01:37.38]and the hands-on opportunity to learn.

  [01:40.54]However, they can also become dangerous rather quickly

  [01:44.57]if the proper safety precautions

  [01:46.83]and lab regulations are not respected.

  [01:50.49]To help make sure you stay safe,

  [01:53.26]please follow five tips

  [01:55.27]before stepping foot inside your first lab class:

  [01:59.65]First, make sure you understand the experiment before it starts.

  [02:05.93]Before leading an experiment,

  [02:08.20]your teacher will likely review the instructions that

  [02:11.47]you and your classmates are to follow in the lab.

  [02:15.39]Besides verbal instructions,

  [02:17.61]you will also typically be provided with a printed guide,

  [02:21.79]often with diagrams and illustrations,

  [02:24.71]explaining the experiment in detail.

  [02:27.98]While your teacher reviews the instructions,

  [02:30.79]it's critical to follow along

  [02:33.01]so that you know how to perform the experiment safely

  [02:36.27]and accurately once class begins.

  [02:39.84]Second, wearing the right kind of clothes

  [02:43.30]and gear in the lab helps keep you safe.

  [02:46.87]Because each experiment involves

  [02:49.63]the use of different equipment and chemicals,

  [02:52.35]which vary in their degree of hazard,

  [02:54.96]your teacher should provide you with detail on

  [02:57.88]what to wear to each class, depending on the experiment.

  [03:02.21]In general, however, you should never

  [03:04.87]wear open-toed shoes in the lab.

  [03:07.89]To mitigate the chance of you catching on fire,

  [03:11.01]remove loose clothing, like scarves,

  [03:13.87]and roll up long sleeves.

  [03:16.19]To that end, you should also remove any dangling jewelry,

  [03:20.15]and if you have long hair, tie it back.

  [03:23.22]Always wear a lab coat or apron, gloves,

  [03:26.93]and goggles when handling chemicals.

  [03:29.69]Third, be aware of safety equipment

  [03:33.42]and where it's located.

  [03:35.47]Some common types of lab safety equipment

  [03:38.34]include emergency eye-washers and emergency showers,

  [03:42.77]which should be used when chemicals

  [03:44.59]get into the eyes or on one's skin; exhaust hoods,

  [03:48.90]which are used to divert

  [03:50.31]dangerous chemical fumes and smoke;

  [03:52.61]and fire blankets and fire extinguishers,

  [03:56.15]which are used to douse fire.

  [03:58.56]You should know how to use each

  [04:01.20]so that you can react appropriately if an accident does occur.

  [04:06.35]Fourth, fill out your lab form

  [04:09.34]as you conduct your experiment.

  [04:12.05]Often, this form is part of the lab instructions.

  [04:16.79]When conducting the lab, fill out this form

  [04:20.06]as you go along rather than trying to remember

  [04:23.12]everything you did in the lab

  [04:25.43]and filling it in after class is over.

  [04:28.44]This will help ensure you don't forget

  [04:31.41]to record anything important,

  [04:33.82]such as a precise measurement or detailed observation.

  [04:38.85]Fifth, complete your lab report

  [04:42.01]as soon as possible after the lab.

  [04:45.13]Lab reports are a more detailed analysis of your experiment

  [04:49.31]and how it connects to a larger scientific concept.

  [04:53.63]Though your teacher will typically give you a few days

  [04:56.91]to a week to finish a lab report,

  [04:59.82]it should be much easier to complete a lab report sooner

  [05:03.89]rather than later as the experiment's concept

  [05:07.20]and the steps are still fresh in your mind.

  [05:10.88]Plus, finishing your lab report early

  [05:13.95]will give you time to reread it, and revise it when necessary.

  [05:18.76]Last but not least, we hope that you will find these tips

  [05:23.28]useful and enjoy your first lab class. Thank you.

  [05:29.81]Now you have two minutes to complete your work.

  [07:34.07]This is the end of Section A TALK.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学


