
2019-04-17 09:40:01来源:网络



  再和大家强调一下:2019英语专四听力理解Section A: Talk本部分由一个500个单词的微型讲座(mini-lecture)和一项填空任务组成。要求学生边听边做笔记,然后完成填空任务。考试时间10分钟。本部分共10道填空题。



  [00:01.42]SECTION A TALK

  [00:03.79]In this section you will hear a talk.

  [00:07.11]You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY.

  [00:10.03]While listening,

  [00:11.53]you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE

  [00:13.95]and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

  [00:18.37]Make sure the word(s) you fill in

  [00:21.39]is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable.

  [00:27.03]You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.

  [00:30.95]You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

  [01:05.97]Now listen to the talk.

  [01:08.29]When it is over, you will be given

  [01:10.56]TWO minutes to complete your work.

  [01:16.41]Harvard president's address: a different life

  [01:20.18]Welcome, students.

  [01:21.68]Many of you must wonder what campus life

  [01:23.56]would be like in a world so different from your high school,

  [01:26.93]and in a world and living situation

  [01:29.19]so different from that of your family home.

  [01:31.96]I hope you will come to understand

  [01:34.02]the most important about this university-

  [01:36.99]that it is a center of new and original ideas.

  [01:40.76]And it is ideas that are ultimately most important in this world.

  [01:45.08]I read this summer about how the great jurist,

  [01:48.20]Oliver Wendell Holmes

  [01:49.51]said that he had been "set on fire in his freshman year

  [01:52.92]by reading the essays of Emerson."

  [01:55.24]If I had but one wish for each of you,

  [01:57.79]it is that in the years ahead you be set on fire,

  [02:01.60]that your mind be captured by some set of external questions,

  [02:05.35]by some area of human understanding;

  [02:07.52]that you develop a passion for understanding, for progressing,

  [02:11.66]that is so central to successful people everywhere.

  [02:14.92]This University and its faculty have no more important goal

  [02:19.35]than helping you in this quest.

  [02:21.11]How? It's hard to say. Fires can't be controlled.

  [02:25.49]Passions can't be predicted or planned. You are all different.

  [02:29.58]But I give this advice:

  [02:31.64]First, follow your passion, not your calculation.

  [02:35.80]What you will remember of your time here

  [02:38.22]will be the special experiences,

  [02:40.23]the things that really catch your imagination.

  [02:43.27]Choose courses that cohere.

  [02:46.08]Follow a program towards your objectives.

  [02:48.95]But most importantly, do what catches your imagination.

  [02:52.67]If there is something you really want to do,

  [02:55.44]some curiosity that you want to pursue,

  [02:58.30]make sure that you do it,

  [03:00.50]and don't let anything stand in your way.

  [03:03.13]Second, approach to the faculty.

  [03:06.51]There is no more important responsibility for any of us

  [03:09.56]as members of the faculty than teaching and working with you,

  [03:13.59]the students of Harvard College.

  [03:16.20]One of the former young men--

  [03:18.16]I guess he's middle-aged now--

  [03:19.97]who's now one of the stars of our Economics Department,

  [03:23.13]was at one time a sophomore at Harvard College.

  [03:26.21]He approached me and said,

  [03:27.77]'Professor Summers, the paper you wrote is really quite good,

  [03:31.69]but it has a few mistakes.

  [03:33.50]I'd like a job as a research assistant.'

  [03:36.32]That led to an enormously productive

  [03:38.86]relationship for both of us.

  [03:40.91]But I promise you

  [03:42.16]that you will find faculty very willing to

  [03:44.73]respond to your interests,

  [03:46.38]to your curiosity, and to your invitations.

  [03:49.63]Do not feel that you are ever wasting anyone's time

  [03:53.35]pursuing your curiosity or your interest.

  [03:56.51]That is what we are all here for.

  [03:59.26]The last thing I would say is focus on ideas.

  [04:03.26]This is an extraordinary, rich, and diverse community.

  [04:07.53]There are enormous opportunities of all kinds--

  [04:10.59]extracurricular, athletic, social.

  [04:13.28]Those experiences will have a huge impact on many of you.

  [04:17.63]But I hope that none of you will lose sight

  [04:19.96]of how special this time in your life is.

  [04:23.06]It's a time to learn. It's a time to expose yourself,

  [04:27.16]as you likely will only do

  [04:28.71]during this period in your lifetime,

  [04:30.86]to ideas that are completely different

  [04:33.21]from what you have done, what you have seen,

  [04:35.86]perhaps even from what you will see.

  [04:39.17]You can focus on ideas.

  [04:41.63]Remember that faculty is here for you,

  [04:44.48]and pursue our passion.

  [04:46.58]You, too, can be lighted on fire during your years here.

  [04:52.47]Now you have two minutes to complete your work.

  [06:57.00]This is the end of Section A TALK.

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