
2019-04-17 09:41:58来源:网络



  再和大家强调一下:2019英语专四听力理解Section A: Talk本部分由一个500个单词的微型讲座(mini-lecture)和一项填空任务组成。要求学生边听边做笔记,然后完成填空任务。考试时间10分钟。本部分共10道填空题。



  [00:01.54]SECTION A TALK

  [00:03.70]In this section you will hear a talk.

  [00:06.96]You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY.

  [00:09.97]While listening,

  [00:11.47]you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE

  [00:13.64]and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

  [00:18.15]Make sure the word(s) you fill in

  [00:21.41]is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable.

  [00:27.03]You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.

  [00:30.69]You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

  [01:06.37]Now listen to the talk.

  [01:08.52]When it is over, you will be given

  [01:10.59]TWO minutes to complete your work.

  [01:16.07]Stress Management

  [01:18.32]Good morning, everyone.

  [01:19.67]Today, we'll talk about stress.

  [01:22.08]Stress is a common problem

  [01:23.54]that affects almost all of us at some point in our lives.

  [01:27.00]So it is important to learn to identify

  [01:29.41]when you are under stress,

  [01:31.17]what is stressing you and how to deal with stress.

  [01:34.29]Stress refers to how the body responds

  [01:36.84]to any number of physical

  [01:38.71]or emotional stimuli or stressors.

  [01:41.47]Effects of this response are sometimes perceptible,

  [01:44.98]such as an increased heart rate, sweating,

  [01:47.76]or tense muscles.

  [01:49.06]Other changes, though common, are not perceptible,

  [01:52.87]for example, increased blood pressure

  [01:55.28]and changes in circulating fats.

  [01:57.60]Now, let's take a look at three of

  [02:00.09]the most common sources of stress.

  [02:02.44]The first source is situational stress.

  [02:05.94]Situational stress is caused by situational stressors

  [02:09.50]in your immediate environment.

  [02:11.31]An example would be sitting in an airplane

  [02:13.97]as it is taxiing the runway for takeoff.

  [02:16.84]You may be sitting, clutching the arm rests

  [02:19.66]and hoping that you won't need to use the emergency instructions

  [02:22.98]that the stewardess has just explained to you.

  [02:25.64]Another source is body stress.

  [02:28.25]Body stress is stress that results in evident physical symptoms.

  [02:32.83]Examples include abuse, such as consuming too much alcohol,

  [02:36.89]or exercising too much.

  [02:38.94]On the other hand, some people neglect their bodies

  [02:41.97]by not getting enough sleep or proper nutrition.

  [02:44.88]The last source is mind stress.

  [02:48.14]Mind stress is caused by negatively perceiving life events.

  [02:52.06]Some people have a tendency to exaggerate problems

  [02:55.93]or even invent problems that don't exist.

  [02:58.79]We sometimes say that these people make

  [03:01.37]"mountains out of molehills".

  [03:03.55]Now that you have learned

  [03:05.38]how to identify sources of stress in your life,

  [03:08.30]we can now talk about specific ways

  [03:10.50]that you can use to counter the common stressors in your life.

  [03:14.22]As for situational stress,

  [03:16.11]it often results from feeling like

  [03:18.06]we don't have enough time

  [03:19.16]to accomplish all we need to in a given day.

  [03:22.03]In many cases it is not a lack of time that is the problem,

  [03:25.89]but rather it is poor time management skills

  [03:28.95]that lead us to this dilemma.

  [03:30.81]Time management means

  [03:32.46]different things to different people.

  [03:34.42]For some, it will be something as simple as

  [03:36.84]making lists of "things to do".

  [03:39.10]For others, learning to use daily planners and organizers

  [03:42.77]will help them to better manage their time.

  [03:45.33]Regarding body stress,

  [03:47.29]dealing with it often simply means

  [03:49.60]dealing with the evident symptoms that are seen in the body.

  [03:52.93]For example, when you see rapid, shallow chest breathing,

  [03:56.50]you can counter that

  [03:57.75]with the practice of more relaxed breathing technique.

  [04:01.01]As you practice relaxation training,

  [04:03.48]more choices open up to you,

  [04:05.64]so you needn't react automatically in negative ways.

  [04:09.05]When your stresses result from negative thinking,

  [04:12.06]you can practice meditation to reduce the stress.

  [04:15.58]Meditation techniques have been shown to be effective

  [04:18.55]in reducing heart rate and blood pressure,

  [04:20.97]two common indicators of stress.

  [04:23.73]OK. this is the end of the talk today.

  [04:26.89]I hope it can offer you some practical advice

  [04:29.65]on how to understand and manage your stress.

  [04:34.78]Now you have two minutes to complete your work.

  [06:39.35]This is the end of Section A TALK.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学


