
2015-08-31 10:55:35来源:网络



  1 《美国宪法》(有国家历史以来,第一部成文宪法)和《人权宣言》:前者是世界上最老的宪法,1787年起草,1789年实施,共7条,27条修正案,后者是宪法的前十条修正案,由麦迪逊Madison在1791年提出。

  2 联邦制:上下两套分权制,包括中央政府、州政府和地方政府和立法、行政和司法分离。


  3 国会:立法机构legislation,参议院the Senate(100由50个州,6年任期,每两年1/3重选, presided bythe Vice President)和众议院the House of Representatives(435个以人口的多少,2年重选),宣战权declaration of war。

  The House of Representatives is presided over by the Speaker. 由众议院选举出来的发言人主持

  4 总统:4年一届,行政权executive,军事最高统治者,外交权diplomacy、豁免权immunity。非直选,根据人口比例进行选举,大选日为11月第一个星期一后的星期二。美国没有总理。美国的国务院state department相当于中国的外交部 国务卿Secretary of State

  Including the Vice President and the heads of 5 executive departments

  5 最高法院the Supreme Court:最高司法机构judicial,由1个大法官,8个助手,由总统提名,参议院通过,终身制tenure。

  6 三权分立Separation of the Three Powers:上下三权分离。

  7 政党:民主党the Democratic(驴donkey)1828年建立,反联邦党,强调联邦政府需要加强经济,而限制州权力;共和党the Republic (象elephant)1854年建立,和民主党想法相反。

  8. The first ten amendments to the U.S. constitution, which was called the Bill of Rights, adopted in 1791, promise to protect individuals’ rights.宪法的前十条修正案被称为《人权法案》,于1791采用,用来保护人权。

  9. The Constitution美国宪法:The Constitution derived from 1787 is a written document that grants powers to and limits the authority of government, that defines the organs of government, and that explains the relationship between the government and the governed. The key principles embodied in it are as follows: rule by law, popular sovereignty, separation of power, judicial review, civilian supremacy in military matters, protection of individual rights and federalism.

  The American Constitution is the oldest written constitution in the world. It was drawn up in 1787 and went into effect in 1789. 美国宪法是世界上最早的成文宪法。它起草于1787年,生效于1789年。

  10. Congress国会:It is composed of two houses: the Senate参议员 and the House of Representatives众议院. Because all the representatives and one third of the senators are elected every two years, and the life of a Congress lasts only two years. The Senate is composed of 2 members from each state, and membership in the House based on population and its size is therefore not specified in the Constitution.

  11. The power of the President 总统权力:He has the authority to appoint all the heads (secretaries) of the federal departments and other principal federal officials with the approval of the Senate: to carry on official business with foreign countries such as recognizing or refusing to recognize a nation; to negotiate and enter into treaties with other nations with approval of the Senate. He has the right to sign or veto any bills passed by Congress. He appoints judges of the Supreme Court and other federal courts with the approval of the Senate. He can call into Federal service ----the state units of the National Guard and he may send the U.S. armed forces to any part of the world.

  12. Separation of the Three Powers三权分立:The government of the United States is composed of the three branches:

  ---Congress: the legislative branch立法 which makes the law

  ---the President: represent the executive branch行政 and enforces the law

  ---the system of courts or the judicial branch司法: explain the law

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学



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