
2016-05-19 09:55:36来源:网络



  The Internet

  The Internet is the most significant progress in the field of communications./ Imagine a book that never ends, a library with million floors,/or imagine a research project with thousands of scientists/ working around the clock forever. This is the magic of the Internet. /Yet the Internet has the potential for good and bad. /One can find well-organized information-rich websites. /At the same time, one can also find wasteful websites. /Most websites are known as different Internet applications. /These include online games, chartrooms and so on. /These applications have great power, too. Sometimes the power can be so great/ that young people may easily become victims to their attraction. /So we need to recognize the seriousness of the problem./ We must work together to use its power for better ends.



  1. 正确答案为C). 在回答女士提问”How did you get here?”时,男士回答:My brother took me to the railway station and I got a bus…”,所以由此得出答案C: 火车站和公共汽车.

  2. 正确答案为A). 女士在验证照片时注意到了男士模样的变化:what happened to your beard and moustache, and you are not wearing glasses, either?可见glasses, moustache和beard都是男士具备的特征,唯独没有提到short hair.

  3. 正确答案为B). 女士在回答男士what time is that的时候顺便说了会议地点:Half past five in the Common Room on the …. 可以得出会议地点在the Common Room.

  4. 正确答案为D). Steve在谈话中提到:I was thinking of going to the university library to do a bit of study. 居中的was thinking of意思就是originally plan to do.

  5. 正确答案为B). Maggie本打算去海边的公园散步,Steve指出It’s too cold. 由此改为去看一部新上映的影片. 可见最后决定去看电影是因为天气不适合外出散步.

  6. 正确答案为D). 在回答Steve提出的问题”Where are we going to meet?”时, Maggie回答说:It would be easier if we met at the cinema. 可见两人是约在电影院见面.

  7. 正确答案为C). 女士问:Is it on the market yet?”男士回答说No. 可见还没上市. 接着又说到its color and the image is moving. 谈到价格时说到costs several thousand pounds可见the new device价格不菲.所以选C.

  8. 正确答案为C). AB与对话内容不一致. 对话中谈论新电话的价格发生在Bill说:Mind you and I’m not sure I want one, would you?之后,而且是女士首先肯定价格贵,所以排除D. 只有C是答案,对话中Bill提到: But the company has made other models to try out on business. 对话末尾也谈到商业机构需要这样的联系工具.

  9. 正确答案为B). 对话中在论及杂志的读者群时,女士说:It’s for real scientists or can ordinary people like me understand it? 男士回答:Oh, it’s for anyone really. 可见女士对杂志的读者群不了解,所以选B. 谈话开始女士也说:But I never actually read it myself. 所以排除A. 对话中女士也就新产品询问了许多信息,可见她quite interested in the new device. 排除C. 结尾女士回答:Yes, I suppose so. 可见两人达成一致看伐.排除D.

  10. 正确答案为A). 谈话有杂志引起,展开了对一种新型电话各方面的讨论,所以选A.


  11. 正确答案为D). in the old days和材料中的once upon a time同义. 材料中说到:used dogs for hunting other animals, for driving sheep and guarding chickens, D选项是现在的作用.

  12. 正确答案为A). 材料中指出:Now people do not have to use a dog, but they keep it as a friend, just like a member of the family.所以答案为A. 在对比狗过去和现在的作用时,可见狗的作用发生了变化,所以排除BC. 然后谈到养狗的人群时,child, young wife, old people都提到了,排除D.

  13. 正确答案为D). 整个材料主要围绕狗在过去和现在的作用及变化展开的,也就是围绕着养狗的原因展开的.

  14. 正确答案为B). 材料中说到no machinery, no electricity, no photocopies可见那里的工作条件很差.

  15. 正确答案为D). 材料中提到the difficulty of preparing for the next day’s lessons in poor light和living with two or three other volunteer teachers.可见说话者也是一个教师志愿者,职责工作当然是教学.

  16. 正确答案为A). 文中说到:I’ll have to get used to not having the variety of different foods that you have here like twenty different varieties of breakfast serial. 可见当地食物种类少,从水井里打水,没有电而使用油灯,洗衣服的方式也有所不同. 所以选A.

  17. 正确答案为C). 听力结尾提到:There will be sorts of big differences like that, but I’ll have to get used to when I arrive there. 可以看出说话者明知新地点工作地点条件恶劣,但是已经下定决心去习惯当地的生活.

  18. 正确答案为B). 材料中先提到了the age group between six and ten之后又说this is the age group when children are first to expected to study hard. 所以选B.

  19. 正确答案为A). 在讲述虐待孩子的家庭一般都会有一些问题的时候,先后提到了marriage problems, financial problems, emotional problems就是没有提到religious problems.

  20. 正确答案为C). 听力材料中提到男孩子遭受挨打多,是因为once again parental expectations are high, and boys tend to be more energetic and difficult to control than girls. 由high和more energetic排除AB. 接着又提到The only difference that exists between them is that they lack skills in the establishing good relationships with their children. 有些家长缺乏和孩子建立良好关系的技巧,所以C正确. D选项的ill-educated未接受良好教育的,材料中并没有体现.


  21. 正确答案为D). 首句American coast guard officials in Florida say they have returned to Cuba a group of would-be migrants…其中return与D中的send back同义.

  22. 正确答案为B). 新闻中先后两次提到来自古巴的非法移民偷渡时使用的工具:in an unusual vessel—a floating truck和a 1951 shabby truck.

  23. 正确答案为D). 新闻中对安装了空气质量监控系统的城市进行介绍:More than 220 cities now have air quality monitoring systems and 42 others will have systems in place by the end of this year.所以年底将有220+42=262个城市安装了空气质量监控系统.

  24. 正确答案为B). 新闻首句就对两起事故进行了总的概述:Storms sank two river ferries in southern Bangladesh on Sunday and some 90 passengers were reported missing while at least another 68 died. 得知报告的失踪人数为90.

  25. 正确答案为A). 新闻的内容是:周日风暴造成两艘渡船在同一河流上沉没. 所以排除BC. 两艘渡轮中获救的人数分别是50和6,排除D. 所以选A.

  26. 正确答案为C). 首句:The Indonesian government has given official approval for an Australian consulate in Dili. 与C选项同义. 新闻广播的一大特点就是首句介绍其主要内容. East Timor东帝汶. Dili帝力.

  27. 正确答案为A). 新闻开头就给出了进行合资的两家企业的名称:PepsiCo of the US and Unilever of the UK.

  28. 正确答案为C). 对于两家公司的责任分配. PepsiCo is contributing its bottling facilities and distribution networks to the alliance while Unilever provides the famous tea brand and recipe. 得知:PepsiCo提供装瓶设备和销售网络,而Unilever提供品牌和配方. PepsiCo百事公司,Unilever联合利华, Lipton立顿, Master Kong康师傅, Uni-president统一,Nestle雀巢公司,Jianlibao健力宝公司, Coca Cola可口可乐公司

  29. 正确答案为B). 新闻开头就指出了抗议活动的发起方:The Israeli peace camp.

  30. 正确答案为D). 首句也提到了参加抗议活动的人数及原因:…with more than 100,000 people protesting on Saturday and demanding the country leave Gaza. 所以排除 BC. 从新闻最后得知13名战士遇害是事实,排除A. 而总理Sharon赞成撤退计划. 所以答案是D.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学



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