
2019-03-05 15:39:59来源:网络

  国家长治久安 enduring peace and stability of the country

  党的长期执政 long-term rule of the Party

  人民安居乐业 the people live and work in peace and contentment

  党的集中统一领导 the centralized, unified leadership of the Party

  大型国际赛事即开彩票 instant lottery on large-scale international events

  竞猜型体育彩票 sports betting lottery

  近海防御 offshore waters defense

  远海作战 open-sea operations

  着力构建现代海上作战体系 build a modern maritime combat system

  坚定理想信念 be firm in ideals and convictions

  户籍制度改革 reform of household registration system

  黑户 people who lack a hukou, unregistered citizens

  人口管理 population management

  户口所在地 household registration (hukou) location

  户口迁移政策 household registration transfer policy

  岛屿经济 island economy

  市场准入 market access

  中国特色自由贸易港 free trade ports with Chinese characteristics

  恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor

  发病率 incidence rate

  重大疾病 critical illness

  基本医保体系 basic healthcare insurance system

  医事服务费 medical service fees药品加成 medicine markups

  积分落户申报制度 points-based application system for household registration


  China has basically opened up the manufacturing sector with a small number of exceptions on automobiles, ships and aircraft. These industries are now in a position to open up. Going forward, China will reduce as soon as possible limits on foreign investment in these industries, automobiles in particular.


  Each age and generation have their own challenges and missions. China has come a long way, but it has to overcome new challenges on its way ahead.


  China's reform and opening up meets its people's aspiration for development, innovation and a better life. It also meets the global trend toward development, cooperation and peace.


  Humanity has a major choice to make between openness and isolation, and between progress and retrogression.

  把握历史规律,认清世界大势 have a keen grasp of the law of history and the trend of the world

  坚持引进来和走出去并重 pay equal attention to “bringing in” and “going global"

  加强同国际经贸规则对接 enhance alignment with international economic and trading rules

  经常项目收支平衡 balance of international payments under the current account

  户外土石方作业 outdoor earthwork

  工业粉尘 industrial dust

  机动车污染物排放 pollutant emissions from motor vehicles

  商业重构 business restructuring

  线上线下的融合 online and offline integration

  去中心化的分布式账本数据库 decentralized, distributed ledger

  数字化的知识和信息 digital knowledge and information

  量子通信 quantum communication

  远程服务 remote service

  贸易保护主义措施 trade protectionist measures

  保持理性,着眼长远 with sense and long-term picture in mind

  不要在错误的道路上越走越远 refrain from going further down the wrong path

  宇宙演化 evolution of the universe

  生命起源 origin of life

  巨资投入 heavy investment

  精密设备 sophisticated equipment

  基因缺陷 genetic defect

  基因隐私 genetic privacy

  基因编辑 gene editing

  基因测序 gene sequencing

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学



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