
2019-03-21 12:20:19来源:网络

  The color harmony, which is also essential to concealment, is produced because the back is of the same tint as the environment (e. g. earth), bathed in the cold blue-white of the sky, while the belly, being cold blue-white and bathed in shadow and yellow earth reflections produces the same effects. This method of neutralizing shadow for the purpose of concealment by increased lightness of tint was first suggested by E.B.Poulton in the case of a larva and a pupa, but he did not appreciate the great importance of the principle. In an analogous method an animal in front of a background of dark shadow may have part of its body obliterated by the existence of a dark tint, the remainder resembling, e.g., a part of a leaf. This method of rendering invisible any part which would interfere with the resemblance is well know in mimicry.

  1. The black and white stripes of the zebra are most useful form

  [A] hunters. [B] nocturnal predators

  [C] lions and tigers. [C] insectivorous Vertrbrata

  2. Aggressive resemblance occurs when

  [A] a predaceous attitude is assumed.

  [B] special resemblance is utilized.

  [C] an animal relies on speed.

  [D] an animal blends in with its background.

  3. Special resemblance differs from general resemblance in that the animal relies on

  [A] its ability to frighten its adversary. [B] speed.

  [C] its ability to assume an attitude. [D] mistaken identify

  4. The title below that best expresses the ides of this passage is

  [A] Cryptic coloration for Protection. [B] How Animals Survive.

  [C] The uses of Mimicry in Nature. [D] Resemblances of Animals.

  5. Of the following which is the least common?

  [A] protective resemblance. [B] General resemblance.

  [C] Aggressive resemblance. [D] Special resemblance.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学



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