
2019-04-03 11:40:19来源:网络






  [00:17.09]PART I DICTATION

  [00:19.62]Listen to the following passage.

  [00:22.31]Altogether the passage will be read to you four times.

  [00:25.87]During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed,

  [00:29.77]listen and try to understand the meaning.

  [00:32.65]For the second and third readings,

  [00:34.95]the passage will be read sentence by sentence,

  [00:37.67]or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds.

  [00:41.82]The last reading will be done at normal speed again

  [00:45.00]and during this time you should check your work.

  [00:47.92]You will then be given 1 minute

  [00:50.28]to check through your work once more.

  [00:52.36]Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.

  [00:56.66]Now listen to the passage.

  [00:58.92]The Media in the U.S.

  [01:01.41]The media plays a vital role as a guardian of U.S. democracy.

  [01:08.01]U.S. media have traveled a long road since

  [01:11.71]the first newspaper was published in 1690.

  [01:15.48]Within 50 years, magazines also began appearing in

  [01:20.18]several major American cities.

  [01:22.66]The advent of commercial radio

  [01:24.90]at the beginning of the 20th century

  [01:27.72]ended print's monopoly of the media in America.

  [01:31.51]Television, an even more powerful medium,

  [01:34.69]entered the scene shortly after World War II.

  [01:38.67]Interactive media, fueled by the advance of digital technology

  [01:43.78]and the growing convergence of the computer,

  [01:46.73]telephone and cable television,

  [01:49.47]represent the principal trend of the 21st century.

  [01:55.75]The second and third readings, you should begin writing now.

  [02:01.00]The media plays a vital role as a guardian of U.S. democracy.

  [02:21.79]The media plays a vital role as a guardian of U.S. democracy.

  [02:42.32]U.S. media have traveled a long road since

  [02:45.51]the first newspaper was published in 1690.

  [03:04.74]U.S. media have traveled a long road since

  [03:07.97]the first newspaper was published in 1690.

  [03:27.07]Within 50 years, magazines also began appearing in

  [03:31.44]several major American cities.

  [03:49.19]Within 50 years, magazines also began appearing in

  [03:53.35]several major American cities.

  [04:11.46]The advent of commercial radio

  [04:13.04]at the beginning of the 20th century

  [04:30.64]The advent of commercial radio

  [04:32.47]at the beginning of the 20th century

  [04:50.31]ended print's monopoly of the media in America.

  [05:08.86]ended print's monopoly of the media in America.

  [05:27.83]Television, an even more powerful medium,

  [05:46.31]Television, an even more powerful medium,

  [06:04.70]entered the scene shortly after World War II.

  [06:23.36]entered the scene shortly after World War II.

  [06:41.82]Interactive media, fueled by the advance of digital technology

  [07:01.51]Interactive media, fueled by the advance of digital technology

  [07:21.66]and the growing convergence of the computer,

  [07:24.32]telephone and cable television,

  [07:42.29]and the growing convergence of the computer,

  [07:44.55]telephone and cable television,

  [08:02.85]represent the principal trend of the 21st century.

  [08:22.21]represent the principal trend of the 21st century.

  [08:42.23]The last reading:

  [08:44.14]The Media in the U.S.

  [08:46.94]The media plays a vital role as a guardian of U.S. democracy.

  [08:53.21]U.S. media have traveled a long road since

  [08:56.94]the first newspaper was published in 1690.

  [09:00.78]Within 50 years, magazines also began appearing in

  [09:05.24]several major American cities.

  [09:07.72]The advent of commercial radio

  [09:10.06]at the beginning of the 20th century

  [09:12.21]ended print's monopoly of the media in America.

  [09:16.14]Television, an even more powerful medium,

  [09:19.65]entered the scene shortly after World War II.

  [09:23.45]Interactive media, fueled by the advance of digital technology

  [09:28.56]and the growing convergence of the computer,

  [09:31.59]telephone and cable television,

  [09:34.22]represent the principal trend of the 21st century.

  [09:40.34]Now you have 1 minute to check through your work.

  [10:44.19]That is the end of PART I Dictation.

  [10:48.04]Part Two Listening Comprehension

  [10:51.68]SECTION A TALK

  [10:54.91]In this section you will hear a talk.

  [10:57.89]You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY.

  [11:00.82]While listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE

  [11:04.56]and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

  [11:08.97]Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both

  [11:14.18]grammatically and semantically acceptable.

  [11:17.58]You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.

  [11:21.17]You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

  [11:57.76]Now listen to the talk.

  [11:59.42]When it is over, you will be given TWO minutes to complete your work.

  [12:04.91]Global Warming

  [12:07.29]Good morning, everyone. Today we'll look at global warming,

  [12:11.24]including its causes, effects and solutions.

  [12:14.95]Then what is global warming?

  [12:16.77]Global warming is a mix of rising temperatures on our planet,

  [12:20.56]and irregular climate change.

  [12:22.55]Global warming is happening because of several key factors,

  [12:26.94]the first one is greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide,

  [12:30.40]water vapor, and methane.

  [12:32.79]These greenhouse gases trap heat

  [12:35.16]and also light in the atmosphere,

  [12:37.39]this causes the temperature to rise.

  [12:39.50]The next important cause of global warming is deforestation.

  [12:43.66]Humans use forests as fuel,

  [12:46.16]for building, furniture, and other uses such as for paper.

  [12:49.85]Forests remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

  [12:52.97]and they store it, when we cut down trees

  [12:55.63]we release a lot of the carbon that forests store.

  [12:59.39]Another important cause of global warming that is sometimes overlooked

  [13:04.14]is the use of chemical fertilizers on crops.

  [13:07.09]Global warming is also caused by solar radiation

  [13:10.70]in the form of light waves,

  [13:12.22]that pass through the earth's atmosphere.

  [13:14.55]Most of this radiation is observed by the earth and warms it.

  [13:19.06]We have looked at the causes of global warming,

  [13:21.50]now let's have a look at the effects of global warming on our planet.

  [13:25.76]One of the effects of global warming

  [13:27.65]is the destruction of many important physical and biological systems.

  [13:32.32]There will be effects to land, water, and life.

  [13:35.51]Another important effect that global warming will bring is the loss

  [13:39.55]and endangerment of many species.

  [13:42.48]Did you know that 30 percent

  [13:44.52]of all plant and animal species alive in the world today

  [13:48.27]are at risk of extinction by the year 2050

  [13:51.61]if average temperatures rise more than 2 to 11.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

  [13:57.07]One very disappointing effect of global warming is war and conflicts.

  [14:02.36]With a decline in the amounts of quality food, water, and land,

  [14:06.54]it could bring an increase in global security threats, and war.

  [14:10.50]There is a lot of evidence pointing to the fact

  [14:13.97]that humans are causing global warming by creating greenhouse gases,

  [14:18.17]so what can we do about it to slow down or stop global warming?

  [14:22.51]It is clear that, on the one hand,

  [14:25.44]we need to reduce the amounts of gases

  [14:27.49]that we put into our atmosphere.

  [14:29.41]One of the most important changes would be to be more energy efficient.

  [14:34.41]We will need an increase in the use of wind

  [14:36.82]and solar power, and natural gas.

  [14:39.66]On the other hand, we can also increase the amount of greenhouse gases

  [14:43.26]that we take out of the atmosphere.

  [14:45.83]We can take greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere by planting trees.

  [14:50.44]We will also need to make changes to the way of farming.

  [14:53.91]So if we work hard and concentrate our efforts

  [14:56.98]we will succeed in coping with global warming

  [15:00.47]and slow down

  [15:01.33]or eventually stop the continuing warming of our planet.

  [15:06.04]OK, that's the end of the talk today. Thank you.

  [15:10.40]NOW you have TWO minutes to complete your work.

  [17:15.18]This is the end of Section A talk


  [17:22.47]In this section you will hear two conversations.

  [17:26.18]At the end of each conversation,

  [17:28.71]five questions will be asked about what was said.

  [17:32.40]Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY.

  [17:38.25]After each question there will be a ten-second pause.

  [17:43.15]During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D,

  [17:50.60]and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

  [17:56.36]You have thirty seconds to preview the questions.

  [18:31.91]Now, listen to the conversations.

  [18:34.78]Conversation One

  [18:36.31]W: Hey, you don't look well. What's going on?

  [18:41.46]M: I just got into a small accident with my new car.

  [18:45.36]W: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

  [18:47.43]What happened? Are you alright?

  [18:49.96]M: Well, I was not paying attention

  [18:52.38]when I was looking for a parking spot

  [18:54.55]and I hit another car.

  [18:56.17]But fortunately I just have a small headache,

  [18:58.74]and other than that I'm fine.

  [19:00.92]W: Did you hit it head on or on the side?

  [19:04.22]M: Neither. I ran into the other car's back bumper

  [19:08.06]as it was backing out of a parking space.

  [19:10.23]I shouldn't be that careless.

  [19:12.60]W: Were you doing something else at the time?

  [19:15.57]M: Well, I really regret that.

  [19:18.16]I was sending a voice message to my friend.

  [19:21.01]W: Oh, that's not a good habit.

  [19:23.48]Was the other driver hurt at all?

  [19:25.69]M: No, thankfully it only jostled that old lady a little bit,

  [19:29.91]but she was very angry about it.

  [19:32.03]W: Yeah, I know. And you may have to pay for the damages

  [19:36.14]since you are accountable for it.

  [19:38.23]Do you have the car insurance?

  [19:40.25]M: Yes, now I'm really thankful

  [19:43.18]that I pay a little extra every month for full coverage.

  [19:46.82]W: What is the difference between full coverage and liability only?

  [19:51.41]M: Full coverage costs more,

  [19:53.68]but it will pay more to have your own car fixed

  [19:56.06]if you get into an accident.

  [19:58.55]W: So you won't have to pay for the damages

  [20:00.07]to your car from the accident today, right?

  [20:03.39]M: Well, I have to pay a small deductible,

  [20:06.11]but it is still a lot less than

  [20:08.18]what I would have to pay to fix the car myself.

  [20:10.66]W: Then what would liability cover?

  [20:13.60]M: Liability would only take care of the damages to someone else's car,

  [20:17.78]but not mine.

  [20:19.45]W: So does that mean your insurance covers both the damage to your car

  [20:23.43]and the damage to the other car?

  [20:25.86]M: Usually it would, but the other driver did not have any insurance.

  [20:30.55]W: What do you mean by that?

  [20:32.52]M: Well, if the other driver does not have insurance,

  [20:35.89]then I am not responsible for the damages to her car,

  [20:39.34]because she is not supposed to drive at all

  [20:42.43]unless she gets the insurance.

  [20:44.31]W: Did you receive a ticket for the accident?

  [20:47.24]M: Of course, the police officer gave me a small ticket

  [20:50.77]because it was my fault.

  [20:52.76]W: Did the other driver receive a ticket too?

  [20:55.38]M: Yes, her ticket was much higher

  [20:58.17]because she did not have insurance while driving.

  [21:01.31]W: I wonder if the other driver knew

  [21:03.30]how important it was to have car insurance.

  [21:07.62]M: If she did not know before the accident,

  [21:09.82]I hope she knows now.

  [21:12.44]This is the end of Conversation One.

  [21:14.46]Questions 1-5 are based on Conversation One.

  [21:18.79]1. What is the accident mentioned in the conversation?

  [21:34.84]2. What may be the reason that caused the accident?

  [21:49.82]3. What do we learn about full coverage from the conversation?

  [22:05.37]4. Why doesn't the man's insurance cover the other car's damages?

  [22:21.41]5. What do we learn about the tickets given by the police officer?

  [22:37.17]Conversation Two

  [22:38.74]W: Good morning Sir, how may I help you today?

  [22:42.08]M: I would like to apply for a loan please.

  [22:45.05]W: Very good, and what kind of loan are you looking for?

  [22:49.55]M: I want a loan to buy a new home.

  [22:51.97]W: Can you tell me the information about your new home?

  [22:55.36]For example, the size, the price, and the location.

  [22:59.30]M: Well, it is a two-storied townhouse,

  [23:01.97]with four bedrooms and two bathrooms,

  [23:04.44]located in 1080 Arizona Street.

  [23:08.34]W: And how much were you hoping to apply for?

  [23:11.48]M: I was hoping that I could apply

  [23:13.86]for a $250,000 home loan.

  [23:16.85]Would it be possible?

  [23:18.72]W: First we just have to check if your credit is good enough

  [23:22.35]for a loan that large.

  [23:23.66]May I have your name please?

  [23:25.32]M: Andrew Garfield.

  [23:27.74]W: Okay. Mr. Garfield. Let me see...

  [23:31.23]Your credit score is 860... no... 960.

  [23:37.15]It is a pretty good score.

  [23:39.19]And I also see on your credit report

  [23:41.59]that you have always paid on time.

  [23:43.96]M: Yes, I know how important it is to pay your debts

  [23:47.67]and pay them on time.

  [23:49.12]W: Will you be making a down payment on your new house?

  [23:52.51]M: I have ten thousand dollars available for a down payment

  [23:56.06]and I would like to finance the rest, I mean, the loan.

  [24:00.45]Would that be Okay?

  [24:01.86]W: Well, I just cannot give you an answer right now.

  [24:05.05]I still have a few more questions for the application.

  [24:08.59]What is your gross monthly income?

  [24:11.53]M: I make $750 a week,

  [24:14.00]so I suppose my average monthly income would be about $3000.

  [24:20.01]W: How long would you like the life of the loan to be?

  [24:23.45]M: What are my options?

  [24:25.47]W: You can choose between a ten, fifteen or thirty year loan.

  [24:30.27]M: Ten years is a bit too short.

  [24:32.80]The fifteen-year one and the thirty-year one sound better.

  [24:36.79]Then what's the difference

  [24:38.28]between a fifteen-year loan and a thirty-year loan?

  [24:41.12]W: A fifteen year loan will mean higher monthly payments,

  [24:44.85]but you will pay less interest.

  [24:46.77]M: So a thirty year loan will mean lower monthly payments,

  [24:51.02]but I will end up paying more in the long run?

  [24:53.76]W: That's right. Which would you prefer?

  [24:56.69]Fifteen years or thirty years?

  [24:58.76]M: I think I would rather pay it off sooner.

  [25:01.63]And not pay that much interest.

  [25:03.62]W: Then we will sign you up for a fifteen-year loan.

  [25:06.88]Is that alright?

  [25:08.01]M: Alright. And what is my interest rate?

  [25:11.35]W: Based on your credit report and excellent credit score,

  [25:15.20]you will get five-percent discount

  [25:17.55]and your interest rate will be about 5.8%.

  [25:21.34]M: That sounds great! Where do I sign?

  [25:24.02]W: Just fill out these remaining paper forms

  [25:26.80]and we will get you into your new home as soon as possible.

  [25:30.73]This is the end of Conversation Two.

  [25:33.67]Questions 6-10 are based on Conversation Two.

  [25:37.76]6. What is the man's new home like?

  [25:51.51]7. What is the price of the townhouse that the man wants to buy?

  [26:07.25]8. What do we learn about the man's credit?

  [26:21.26]9. Why does the man prefer a 15-year loan to 30-year loan?

  [26:36.98]10. What may affect the loan interest rate according to the conversation?

  [26:52.77]This is the end of Part Two Listening Comprehension.

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