
2019-04-16 13:31:14来源:网络



  再和大家强调一下:2019英语专四听力理解Section A: Talk本部分由一个500个单词的微型讲座(mini-lecture)和一项填空任务组成。要求学生边听边做笔记,然后完成填空任务。考试时间10分钟。本部分共10道填空题。


  [00:01.40]SECTION A TALK

  [00:03.75]In this section you will hear a talk.

  [00:07.16]You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY.

  [00:10.01]While listening,

  [00:11.66]you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE

  [00:13.82]and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

  [00:18.32]Make sure the word(s) you fill in

  [00:21.27]is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable.

  [00:27.07]You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.

  [00:30.77]You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

  [01:06.28]Now listen to the talk.

  [01:08.73]When it is over, you will be given

  [01:10.84]TWO minutes to complete your work.

  [01:15.55]Finding Your Excellence: Becoming Who You Are

  [01:19.45]Today I want to talk about finding

  [01:21.30]your unique excellence.

  [01:23.40]You are born with potentials

  [01:24.76]that are unique to you.

  [01:26.60]Furthermore, you have an obligation

  [01:28.45]to find out what those are

  [01:30.25]and then to figure out how you can express them.

  [01:33.41]I would like to offer five suggestions

  [01:36.13]that may help you find your excellence

  [01:38.21]and also to take full advantage of life's opportunities.

  [01:42.16]First, be engaged.

  [01:44.21]The short answer to being engaged

  [01:46.21]is giving your whole

  [01:47.64]and best self to whatever you are doing.

  [01:50.59]The first step to being engaged is to give your total effort

  [01:54.09]and attention to whatever you are doing.

  [01:56.34]Being engaged will teach you

  [01:58.35]a lot about yourself, your interests,

  [02:00.75]and where you can pursue your excellence.

  [02:03.45]I also encourage you to seek out opportunities for deeper,

  [02:07.15]more meaningful levels of engagement.

  [02:09.80]The ideal form of engagement

  [02:11.80]is a state of total immersion in a task

  [02:14.86]that is challenging yet closely matched to your abilities.

  [02:18.41]My second suggestion is to increase your self-awareness.

  [02:22.36]In short, you have to know who you are before you act.

  [02:25.91]However, we live in a world of unprecedented distraction.

  [02:29.81]My suggestion to you is to build absence into your lives.

  [02:34.26]Set aside time to remove distractions.

  [02:37.11]Build spaces of quiet into your lives and be patient,

  [02:41.11]and I think you will be surprised by the results.

  [02:43.96]My third suggestion to you is to be full of awe.

  [02:47.97]Make a conscious effort to find awe

  [02:50.81]and wonder in the small

  [02:52.31]and ordinary things of everyday life.

  [02:55.21]The point is that in today's world

  [02:57.36]it is tougher and tougher to be awed by ordinary things.

  [03:01.56]Make an extra effort to find awe

  [03:04.36]in the everyday aspects of your life

  [03:06.76]and take a moment to say,

  [03:08.46]"Wow!" In so doing, your senses will be heightened and,

  [03:13.11]in turn, will reveal more about you

  [03:15.41]as well as additional opportunities to apply your uniqueness.

  [03:19.26]My fourth suggestion to you is to be selfless.

  [03:23.02]It is wrong to think your personal happiness

  [03:25.53]is prior to everything.

  [03:27.68]You should forget yourself and go to work.

  [03:30.43]Throw yourself into whatever you are doing.

  [03:33.02]Selflessness keeps us grounded

  [03:35.21]as we seek personal excellence.

  [03:37.51]We can have the attitudes that will keep us grounded,

  [03:40.61]humble, and open to learning,

  [03:42.76]which provides invaluable perspective

  [03:44.92]in finding our excellence.

  [03:46.84]My final suggestion is to be compassionate.

  [03:50.39]There are two essential parts to compassion:

  [03:53.39]feeling and doing.

  [03:55.49]Feeling is the capacity to feel what others feel.

  [03:58.89]This is also known as empathy.

  [04:01.29]But true compassion does not stop there.

  [04:04.29]Doing means actually acting on those feelings.

  [04:07.94]Compassion is an indispensable part of personal growth

  [04:11.79]that will reveal much about your distinct set of skills

  [04:15.09]and what types of situations will allow you

  [04:17.71]to better the people and environment around you.

  [04:20.91]Students, I hope that you will follow my suggestions,

  [04:24.81]learn about whom you really are

  [04:26.96]and prepare yourselves to have an impact on the world.

  [04:30.96]Then go and do. Be excellent and make a difference.

  [04:38.28]Now you have two minutes to complete your work.

  [06:42.45]This is the end of Section A TALK.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学


