
2019-04-17 09:39:21来源:网络



  再和大家强调一下:2019英语专四听力理解Section A: Talk本部分由一个500个单词的微型讲座(mini-lecture)和一项填空任务组成。要求学生边听边做笔记,然后完成填空任务。考试时间10分钟。本部分共10道填空题。



  [00:01.38]SECTION A TALK

  [00:03.83]In this section you will hear a talk.

  [00:07.18]You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY.

  [00:10.09]While listening,

  [00:11.69]you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE

  [00:13.84]and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

  [00:18.34]Make sure the word(s) you fill in

  [00:21.54]is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable.

  [00:27.04]You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.

  [00:30.69]You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

  [01:06.31]Now listen to the talk.

  [01:08.57]When it is over, you will be given

  [01:10.57]TWO minutes to complete your work.

  [01:15.91]Ban of Public Smoking

  [01:18.48]Ladies and gentlemen,

  [01:20.14]Secondhand, or passive smoke,

  [01:22.89]is an insidious killer that is harming adults,

  [01:26.41]and more critically, children around the country every day.

  [01:30.95]My goal in speaking to you today

  [01:33.65]is to enlist your support in a federal ban of all smoking

  [01:38.31]from all public places without hesitation.

  [01:41.97]Firstly, second hand smoke can cause

  [01:45.69]many serious illnesses and diseases.

  [01:48.96]For example, second hand smoke increases

  [01:52.67]the risk of heart disease by 25-35%.

  [01:57.38]And the chance of lung cancer is increased by 19%

  [02:01.91]when in contact with second hand smoke.

  [02:05.27]People are exposed to smoke in many places

  [02:09.13]so the risks of diseases related to smoking

  [02:12.19]are increasing even in non-smokers.

  [02:15.87]In addition, children exposed to secondhand smoke

  [02:20.15]have an increased risk of colds,

  [02:22.91]and respiratory and lung problems.

  [02:25.46]This can lead to many lost days of school,

  [02:28.37]hospitalizations, and in some cases,

  [02:31.53]even death in children.

  [02:34.09]Secondly, smoking is a cause of pollution.

  [02:38.05]There is a lot of research that

  [02:40.86]shows that many kinds of gases which are released by smoking

  [02:44.78]and are harmful for the environment,

  [02:47.40]such as tar and carbon dioxide.

  [02:50.34]Tobacco smoke has a very high content

  [02:53.64]of fine particulate matter or PM2.5,

  [02:58.15]the EPI indicator for air pollution.

  [03:01.60]A cigarette in the mouth of a passerby may represent

  [03:06.15]more than just an occasion to hold one's breath.

  [03:09.45]It may be a pollutant potent enough to rival a passing car.

  [03:14.36]A 2004 study conducted by researchers

  [03:17.96]at Italy's National Cancer Institute

  [03:20.91]compared the output of three lit cigarettes and a diesel engine.

  [03:25.97]After 30 minutes of continuous exposure

  [03:28.96]in a controlled garage,

  [03:30.66]the scientists found that the cigarettes released

  [03:33.97]ten times the particulate matter of the engine.

  [03:37.52]Thirdly, smoke-free environments

  [03:40.72]can lead to more smokers quitting.

  [03:43.47]When a smoker tries to quit,

  [03:45.82]they may see others smoking in public

  [03:48.52]and this can cause an urge to smoke.

  [03:51.72]In a survey, it was reported

  [03:53.86]that about 7 out of 10 smokers want to quit,

  [03:57.82]and they believe that a smoke-free environment will help them.

  [04:01.78]Each day more than 3800 people

  [04:05.54]under 18 try their first cigarette.

  [04:09.24]Of those 3800, 1000 begin smoking cigarettes on a daily basis.

  [04:16.19]When kids see people smoking,

  [04:18.69]they may think that it's "cool"

  [04:21.14]and they will try smoking for the same reason.

  [04:23.84]Therefore, smoke-free environments are really important

  [04:27.89]if we seriously consider quitting of smoking.

  [04:31.14]Lastly, smokers have other ways to receive nicotine.

  [04:36.29]Smokers can use products instead of smoking.

  [04:39.84]Nowadays, we have many substitutes to receive nicotine,

  [04:44.41]such as nicotine gum and nicotine patches.

  [04:48.06]Do you really want people to smoke in public places

  [04:51.56]instead of using these new products?

  [04:55.29]In conclusion, I want to say that there are no reasons

  [04:58.79]left to permit smoking in public places,

  [05:01.95]and I also think that maybe this is the time

  [05:05.30]for people to quit smoking.

  [05:08.15]Banning smoking is not just for us,

  [05:11.05]but for this world and for everyone

  [05:13.58]who has to live in this world after us.

  [05:19.23]Now you have two minutes to complete your work.

  [07:23.39]This is the end of Section A TALK.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

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