
2020-08-28 10:17:27来源:网络

  2020英语专八考试时间因疫情推迟,但是备考专八的考生们还是应该抓紧时间复习争取一次顺利通过英语专八考试,2020英语专业八级作文考试形式以材料作文为主题,要求字数为不少于300词。新东方在线英语专八频道整理了整理了一系列2020专八作文预测范文供专八考生们参考引用。下面是“2020英语专八作文预测范文:人工智能 ”内容。

  Artificial Intelligence

  Future trend in computer science is one of the artificial intelligence. Artificial Intelligence is a new science of researching theories, methods and technologies in simulating or developing thinking process of human beings. It including the research in the field of robotics, speech recognition, image recognition, Natural language processing and expert systems.

  AI is an embranchment of Computer Science, and it is foreland of research field of computer science. The field of AI research was founded at a conference on the campus of Dartmouth College in the summer of 1956.Artificial intelligence has the impact in natural science. The need of using mathematic computer to solve the problem, AI brings many benefits. Artificial intelligence has the impact in economy, the expert system more depth in all, to bring the great benefit. AI also promoted the development of the computer industry, but at the same time, also brought the problem of employment services.

  With the development of artificial intelligence and intelligent robot, we have to say, artificial intelligence is advanced research, so it may touch the bottom lines of ethics. I believe that the science of artificial intelligence is waiting for humanity to explore the real connotation.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学


