
2021-03-16 15:48:00来源:网络



  Life is a contest! Who will win? A bluebird and sparrow both compete for

  space to build their nests. A fast-growing maple tree and slower-growing dogwood

  compete for the sunlight they both need. Oil competes with coal and nuclear power

  as an energy source for electric power plants.

  There is a problem. There is a limited amount of space for birds, sunlight

  for trees, and energy for people! If we do not cut back on our uses of some of

  our resources, someday they will be gone!

  How can we use energy today and know we will have enough to go around in the

  future? We can choose alternate, or replacement, energy resources. It takes the

  earth millions of years to create coal, oil, and gas. They are nonrenewable


  Solar energy, wind energy and water energy are renewable. What other ways can

  we conserve our resources? How can we make sure there is always enough to go

  around? (159 words)

  Useful Words and Expressions:

  bluebird n.北美产的蓝知更鸟

  sparrow n.[鸟]麻雀

  compete for为……竞争

  maple n.[植]枫,枫木

  dogwood n.山茱萸

  nuclear power n.核动力

  power plant n.发电厂,发电站

  alternate n.替换物

  replacement n.代替者;替换物

  nonrenewable resources不可再生资源

  conserve vt.保存,保藏

  conserve one\'s strength 保存力量

  conserve our national heritage in the face of bewildering change


  America\'s Worst Surprise

  December 7,1941 was one of the worst days in American history. Nearly all

  Americans who are old enough to remember that day can still remember what they

  were doing at the moment they heard "the news". The news was that America had

  been attacked!

  Shortly before 2:00 P.M., a radio dispatch came into Washington from

  Honolulu, Hawaii, "Air Raid, Pearl Harbor— This is no drill." Japanese planes

  had begun an attack on the largest American military base in the Pacific. They

  first destroyed planes on the ground. Then they bombed the ships in the harbor.

  No one had expected the attack. So no one was prepared for it. And it did not

  take long for the Japanese to do their damage. When the smoke cleared, the Navy

  counted its losses- Eighteen ships had been sunk or badly damaged. Nearly 150

  planes had been destroyed. More than 2,400 Americans had been killed and more

  than 1, 200 wounded. (157 words)

  Useful Words and Expressions:

  dispatch n.派遣,急件

  air raid n.空袭

  Pearl Harbor珍珠港

  Drill n.军事训练,操练

  Military adj.军事的,军用的,军人的

  military base军事基地

  a military bearing 军人的气度

  military attire军人的服装

  military service兵役

  military operations军事行动

  bomb n.炸弹Vt.投弹于,轰炸


  sunk sink的过去分词和过去式


专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

本文关键字: 专四听力 专四


