
2021-04-20 07:10:59来源:网络



  1. Which of the following words can best describe Sandgerdi?

  [A] desolate

  [B] poor

  [C] bustling

  [D] thriving

  2. According to the passage, the reason why girls do better than boys in math at Sandgerdi is most probably the following EXCEPT

  [A] Boys and girls share different incentives in math learning.

  [B] The girls are more anxious about their future career.

  [C] The boys consider that fishing doesn't necessarily need math.

  [D] The boys spend more time on their part time jobs.

  3. The fifth paragraph suggests that in the field of science

  [A] women have advantages over men in competition.

  [B] women tend to be in a less embarrassing level.

  [C] men are playing more important roles.

  [D] men are one third less than women in number

  4. Girls flinch back in the competition with boys most probably because

  [A]they are short of confidence in themselves.

  [B] employers often prefer boys to take technical jobs.

  [C] they have poorer performance in technical jobs.

  [D] they are willing to leave technical jobs to boys

  5. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

  [A] A Village in Iceland

  [B] A Land Where Girls Rule in Math

  [C] Boys Cleverer Than Girls?

  [D] Science Students in Sandgerdi

  6. The studies of emotion regulation suggest that

  [A] anxiety can cause palms to sweat and hearts to race.

  [B] anxiety can be vanquished by Xanax.

  [C] anxious people tend to feel uncomfortable.

  [D] anxiety can enhance cognitive competence.

  7. Which of the following statements about the second paragraph is TRUE?

  [A] The more neurotic subjects tended to choose a more challenging task.

  [B] Anxiety made no impact on the performance of non-neurotic subjects.

  [C] The neurotic subjects are better than non-neurotic subjects on anagrams solving.

  [D] The non-neurotic subjects often recall their happy memory in their daily life.

  8. The sentence "anxiety is not about usefulness but familiarity" in the third paragraph means that

  [A] the fact that anxiety is useless is familiar to the neurotics.

  [B] anxiety is a psychological tendency for the neurotics.

  [C] it is common for people to fall victim to anxiety.

  [D] anxiety is a kind of pleasant feeling for the neurotics.

  9. Some people are addicted to anxiety because

  [A] they consider the state of anxiety as a normal situation.

  [B] they enjoy being in the state of feeling anxious.

  [C] they have negative attitudes towards life.

  [D] anxiety keeps them bored and empty inside.

  10. The word "scorching" in the first paragraph means

  [A] aboriginal.

  [B] primitive.

  [C] luxuriant.

  [D] baking-hot

  11. According to Hans-Peter, Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

  [A] The cultural improvement caused the relocation.

  [B] Cultural development is crucial to human society.

  [C] The essence of the migration is the environment.

  [D] The discovery has changed our view completely

  12. The scientists resorted to the following data sources in the research EXCEPT

  [A] radiation of the ancient lake water.

  [B] radiation detected in the sand.

  [C] the fluctuation of ocean levels.

  [D] appearance of the stone tools.

  13. The phrase "offering a 'brief window of time' for humans to easily cross the sea"(5th paragraph) is closest in meaning to

  [A] providing a panoramic view of the sea and an easier way to cross it.

  [B] Only a small window zone of the sea as little as 2.5 miles wide could be crossed.

  [C] The descending supplied a temporary opportunity to cross the sea easily.

  [D] The sea was as narrow as a window so that people could cross it without effort.

  14. The scientists' attitude towards the study published in the journal science is

  [A] skeptical.

  [B] enthusiastic.

  [C] astonished.

  [D] indifferent

  15. Which of the following is TRUE about the ancient Africans mentioned in the research?

  [A] They moved to other areas to seek for food and resources.

  [B] The environment in Arabian Peninsula is better for them.

  [C] They are the ancestors of the present Arabian Peninsula inhabitants.

  [D] The reason of their migration still remains inconclusive.

  16. What happened to the three judges?

  [A] They were detained by the judicial department.

  [B] They were prevented from their positions.

  [C] They were threatened by the criminal gangs.

  [D] They justly judged Ms Escobedo's daughter's case

  17. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about the mounting femicides?

  [A] violence toward women is a common phenomenon occurring in Mexico.

  [B] Mexico's government kept an indifferent attitude to the violence toward women.

  [C] Mexico's government has exerted itself to tackle crimes against females.

  [D] The statistics about women victim cases is usually distorted by the government

  18. Which of the following statements contains a metaphor?

  [A] Female deaths suggest a callous disregard by Mexico's government.

  [B] It should focus less on muddling with the figures.

  [C] This epidemic has led authorities of the country to downplay the mounting violence.

  [D] Ms Escobedo's death has already sparked protests throughout Mexico.

  19. The authorities' misdeclaration about violence against women was due to all the following EXCEPT

  [A] international criticism.

  [B] maintenance of governor's reputation.

  [C] political system.

  [D] establishment of state image

  20. The sentence in the last paragraph "it should focus less on muddling with the figures..."suggests

  [A] it is wrong and unacceptable to distort the statistics of femicides.

  [B] there are more and more women involved in the drug violence in Mexico.

  [C] the government should pay less attention to the figure of female victims.

  [D] it is no good trying to conceal the serious state of violence against women






  1. When people learn a foreign language for external goals such as passing exams, financial rewards or furthering a career, we say they learn a foreign language with a(n)

  [A] intrinsic motivation.

  [B] resultative motivation.

  [C] integrative motivation.

  [D] instrumental motivation

  2. Speech __________ refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker.

  [A] change

  [B] act

  [C] variety

  [D] usage

  3. The word "gasoline" and "petrol" are

  [A] synonyms differing in emotive meaning.

  [B] dialectal synonyms.

  [C] synonyms differing in style.

  [D] collocationally-restricted synonyms.

  4. The Victorian Age was largely an age of

  [A] pessimism.

  [B] naturalism.

  [C] modernism.

  [D] critical realism

  5. The leader of the imagist movement in American literature is

  [A] Wallace Stevens.

  [B] Ezra Pound.

  [C] Robert Frost.

  [D] Thomas Stearns Eliot

  6. Robert Browning's My Last Duchess is composed in the form of a(n)

  [A] dramatic monologue.

  [B] extended metaphor.

  [C] syllogistic argument.

  [D] dialogue

  7. The world's largest freshwater lake is Lake

  [A] Superior.

  [B] Ontario.

  [C] Victoria.

  [D] Michigan.

  8. When did President Nixon visit China?

  [A] 1970

  [B] 1972

  [C] 1973

  [D] 1975

  9. In the United Kingdom, __________ is the real source of power.

  [A] the Privy Council

  [B] the Monarch

  [C] the House of Lords

  [D] the House of Commons

  10. Canada gained final independence from Britain in__________.

  [A] 1774.

  [B] 1838.

  [C] 1945.

  [D] 1982.



  2. 错误1:__________

  3. 错误2:__________

  4. 错误3:__________

  5. 错误4:__________

  6. 错误5:__________

  7. 错误6:__________

  8. 错误7:__________

  9. 错误8:__________

  10. 错误9:__________

  11. 错误10:__________



  2. To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level. Moreover, the exercise of choice is in itself tiresome. Except to people with un-usual initiative it is positively agreeable to be told what to do at each hour of the day, provided the orders are not too unpleasant. Most of the idle rich suffer unspeakable boredom as the price of their freedom from hard work, At times, they may find relief by hunting big game in Africa, or by flying round the world,but the number of such sensations is limited, especially after youth is past. Accordingly the more intelligent rich men work nearly as hard as ff they were poor, while rich women for the most part keep themselves busy with innumerable trifles, of whose earthshaking importance they are firmly persuaded.



  2. “人们的生活越来越富裕,但却远不如以前那样快乐了”,这个现象似乎早已成为现代生活永恒的矛盾之一。一个可能的答案就潜藏在我们的心理因素中,即如何才能够满足。我们对于地位、财富的需求从来都不是孤立定位的,而是在与参照组—通常是那些我们自认为与其地位相当的人—比较之后得出的。我们无法孤立地对现今所拥有的一切心存感激,我们也无法铭记自己在历史进程中所取得的成功。只有当我们所拥有的和我们共同成长的朋友、一起工作的同事一样多甚至比他们更多的时候。我们才会感觉到幸福。




专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

本文关键字: 专八攻略 专八



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