
2021-04-20 07:11:33来源:网络




  2. To call Henry Ford "the man who put the world on wheels", the author means

  [A] he made quality wheels famous to the whole world.

  [B] he produced cars for free for people all over the world.

  [C] his innovation made it possible for anyone to own a car.

  [D] his innovation provided everyone in the world with a car.

  3. The idea of assembly line came from

  [A] slaughter houses.

  [B] Japan.

  [C] aura engines.

  [D] cars.

  4. The assembly line reduced the time to make a magneto by __________ within a year.

  [A] 20%

  [B] 38%

  [C] 65%

  [D] 75%

  5. Before assembly line was introduced, the price of a Ford's car was

  [A] $260.

  [B] $130.

  [C] $520.

  [D] $1040.

  6. The last paragraph implies that

  [A] Today and Tomorrow provides technological solutions for manufacturers.

  [B] Many of the Japanese innovations are inspired by Today and Tomorrow.

  [C] Today and Tomorrow is more popular among the Japanese than the Americans.

  [D] Today and Tomorrow is a Japanese manufacturing encyclopedia.


  8. According to the passage, after EI enters the Indian dairy business,

  [A] India's milk market will not necessarily be greatly influenced.

  [B] India's milk market will be completely lapped up.

  [C] Amul will lose in the competition with EI.

  [D] Unilever and Nestle will leave the Indian market.

  9. According to the passage, "local dynamos" are firms that

  [A] are venturing abroad most eagerly.

  [B] tend to be more capital-intensive.

  [C] are prey to "export fetishism".

  [D] mostly focus on home market.

  10. According to the passage, "export fetishism"

  [A] has lost its appeal for emerging economies.

  [B] values international success for a firm.

  [C] encourages firms to become "local dynamos".

  [D] has been endorsed by a recent review.

  11. All of the following are ways to accomplish the feat of withstanding the onslaught of foreign firms on home soil EXCEPT

  [A] relying more on skilled labor.

  [B] specializing in consumer businesses.

  [C] taking advantage of the cheap workforce.

  [D] better understanding home consumers' tastes.

  12. Which of the following would the author most probably agree?

  [A] Not all of the developing world's most successful companies are globalizing.

  [B] Companies venturing abroad most eagerly are the most successful at home.

  [C] Local dynamos are the most successful firms all over the world.

  [D] Globalizing is not good for companies in emerging economies.


  14. According to the passage,

  [A] many people don't ask for much about their dream job.

  [B] most Americans are not satisfied with their jobs.

  [C] Lori Miller is totally satisfied with her current job.

  [D] Lori Miller is not satisfied with her current job at all.

  15. What is the role of the 4th paragraph in the development of the passage?

  [A] To show that people don't ask for much about their dream job.

  [B] To show that most people in America are satisfied with their jobs.

  [C] To offer supporting evidence to the preceding paragraph.

  [D] To provide a contrast to the preceding paragraphs.

  16. The phrase "a level playing field" in Paragraph 6 means

  [A] a field for playing level games.

  [B] a level for playing field games.

  [C] a phenomenon of inequality.

  [D] a platform of fair competition.

  17. All the following are mentioned as features of a dream job EXCEPT

  [A] demonstrating duty and achievement.

  [B] being free of politics.

  [C] making people dream about it.

  [D] involving alcohol drinking.

  18. The passage is mainly about

  [A] how people should choose their jobs.

  [B] how to survive workplace politics.

  [C] what people's dream jobs are like.

  [D] what to do to have a dream job.


  20. According to the passage, cheating in sport

  [A] is an issue that appeared only recently.

  [B] has decreased dramatically since the 1970s.

  [C] originated from ancient Greece.

  [D] has been completely controlled by WADA.

  21. The second paragraph implies that testing for anabolic steroids

  [A] is always accurate and reliable.

  [B] is proved to be inaccurate.

  [C] may sometimes show inaccuracy.

  [D] has helped end doping in sport.

  22. According to official Olympic policy, which of the following ratio between TG and EG is considered suspicions?

  [A] 1 : 1.

  [B] 2.5 : 1.

  [C] 3.3 : 1.

  [D] 4.5 : 1.

  23. Which of the following is NOT true about UGT2B17, according to the passage?

  [A] None, one or two working copies of UGT2B17 can be found in different people.

  [B] Test results would depend on numbers of working copies of UGT2B17.

  [C] Most Caucasians have no functional copies of UGT2B17.

  [D] Most Asians have no functional copies of UGT2B17.

  24. Why does the author suggest the athletes bring a copy of their genetic profile to the Olympic Games?

  [A] Because it is required by the Beijing Olympic Games Committee.

  [B] Because it may defend them against unfavorable testosterone test results.

  [C] Because it is one of the ways to show "spirit of Olympianism".

  [D] Because it will help them to perform better in the Olympic Games.


  1. Among the four maxims introduced by Grice, which one means that in conversation we should be as informative as required?

  [A] Relation Maxim.

  [B] Quantity Maxim.

  [C] Quality Maxim.

  [D] Manner Maxim.

  2. Which of the following factors does NOT contribute to the formation of new pronunciation?

  [A] Back-formation.

  [B] Loss.

  [C] Addition.

  [D] Assimilation.

  3. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to a type of situation is a

  [A] field.

  [B] register.

  [C] mode.

  [D] tenor.

  4. Robert Burns is remembered mainly for his songs written in the __________ dialect on a variety of subjects.

  [A] England

  [B] Welsh

  [C] Scottish

  [D] Irish

  5. Richard Brinsley Sheridan's __________ has been called a great comedy of manners.

  [A] The Rivals

  [B] The Duenna

  [C] The Critic

  [D] The School for Scandal

  6. The Catcher in the Rye was written by

  [A] Joyce Carol Oates.

  [B] Arthur Miller.

  [C] Jerome David Salinger.

  [D] Vladimir Nabokov.

  7. The Australian National Day is chosen to commemorate

  [A] the founding of the Commonwealth of Australia.

  [B] the first European settlement of the continent.

  [C] the discovery of the continent.

  [D] Captain James Cook's first voyage around Australia.

  8. __________ is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population.

  [A] British Columbia

  [B] Ontario

  [C] Alberta

  [D] Quebec

  9. What are the components of the British Parliament?

  [A] The Senate and the House of Representatives.

  [B] The House of Lords and the House of Commons.

  [C] The Senate, the House of Representatives and the Queen/King.

  [D] The House of Lords, the House of Commons and the Queen/King.

  10. __________ is the American president during The Great Depression who proposed New Deal.

  [A] Herbert Hoover

  [B] Woodrow Wilson

  [C] Franklin D. Roosevelt

  [D] Abraham Lincoln



  2. __________

  3. __________

  4. _________

  5. _______

  6. _________

  7. ________

  8. __________

  9. __________

  10. __________

  11. __________






专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

本文关键字: 专八攻略 专八



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