
2021-04-20 07:12:29来源:网络




  2. Which of the following cities was believed to better accept music of Romantic style?

  [A] Paris.

  [B] Warsaw.

  [C] Vienna.

  [D] A city in Scotland.

  3. Chopin felt most at ease when

  [A] he played in the large concert hall.

  [B] he was with social wealthy people.

  [C] he was with those who he loved.

  [D] he played in a non-public upper-class concert

  4. Chopin composed "Ballade in F Minor" most probably in

  [A] Poland.

  [B] France.

  [C] Scotland.

  [D] Vienna.

  5. The last two paragraphs imply that

  [A] the war in Poland had ended before the death of Chopin.

  [B] after his death, Chopin was buried in his beloved motherland Poland.

  [C] the war could possibly reach Scotland, which worried Chopin.

  [D] Chopin's melancholy attitude was one of the reasons for his health deterioration

  6. Which of the following phrases best describes Chopin as seen by the author?.

  [A] A gifted composer and a radical revolutionist.

  [B] A renowned pianist with great political ideal.

  [C] A gifted composer, pianist and a patriot.

  [D] A renowned pianist with little interest in performance.


  8. The second paragraph implies that

  [A] the world’s earthquake laboratories were not effective in detecting seismic "pre-shocks".

  [B] seismic signaling was the major communication form of many animal species.

  [C] those animal species can feel and understand all kinds of vibrations.

  [D] all strange animal behaviors can be explained by extra-sensory perception

  9. The word "anthropocentric" in the third paragraph means

  [A] relating m terrestrial vibrations.

  [B] connecting m lab researches.

  [C] centering on human beings.

  [D] focusing on animal behaviors

  10. According to researchers in the Chicago symposium,

  [A] biologists have properly realized the common existence of seismic signaling.

  [B] seismic signaling is a means of communication that has been comprehensively studied.

  [C] seismic signaling can show many mysterious features of animal behavior.

  [D] the research approach has led to the fruitful research into seismic signaling.

  11. The possible attitude of researchers in the Chicago symposium towards the anthropocentric approach is

  [A] positive.

  [B] neutral.

  [C] uncertain.

  [D] negative

  12. The elephant seal's bulls are notorious for

  [A] slugging them out for territorial defense for their offsprings.

  [B] fighting with each other to own harems of females.

  [C] their act of aggression against other animals.

  [D] competing fiercely with each other for locating meals

  13. Which of the following is NOT tree, according to the passage?

  [A] Certain types of elephant behavior can be explained through a seismic sense.

  [B] Lions probably use the vibration detectors in their paws to locate meals.

  [C] Crickets may pick up and use seismic component of the song to distribute themselves.

  [D] Observations of animal seismic signaling have implications for earthquake prediction


  15. According to the passage, TNT offers all of the following EXCEPT

  [A] emergency help in the floods in Bangladesh.

  [B] emergency help in the Asian tsunami in 2004.

  [C] volunteer work for World Food Program.

  [D] conservation of seven major freshwater river basins

  16. From the third paragraph, we get the impression that TNT's pro-bono activities

  [A] take care of the bottom line.

  [B] help improve corporate image.

  [C] are mentioned by all job applicants.

  [D] are the main concern of the company

  17. Which of the following is NOT an NGO?

  [A] The Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee.

  [B] WWF.

  [C] Goldman Sachs.

  [D] Greenpeace.

  18. All the followings describe the trends in corporate philanthropy EXCEPT

  [A] collaborations with NGOs.

  [B] globalized community work.

  [C] growth trend of formal programs.

  [D] increase of both input and output

  19. This passage is mainly about

  [A] corporate culture.

  [B] corporate philanthropy.

  [C] corporate financing.

  [D] corporate image.


  21. According to the passage,NCLB mainly aimed to

  [A] provide tests for pupils on maths and reading from third to eighth grade.

  [B] add some science testing in schools for pupils aged from 8 to 13.

  [C] enhance teaching standards which schools should be responsible for meeting.

  [D] transfer pupils in failing schools to a better one or get them some tutoring.

  22. The word "sanctions" in the third paragraph means

  [A] approval.

  [B] punishment.

  [C] support.

  [D] decree.

  23. Which of the following is NOT a weakness of NCLB?

  [A] The law has been properly funded.

  [B] Only a few pupils in bad schools transfer.

  [C] The tests are focused on nothing but maths and reading.

  [D] The tests actually encourage "teaching to the test".

  24. From the description in the passage, we learn that

  [A] controversial proposals can be found only among the presidential nominees.

  [B] using pupils' test scores to identify ineffective teachers tins been widely accepted.

  [C] both Democratic presidential nominees support the idea of accountability.

  [D] neither the Republican nor the Democratic presidential nominees favor NCLB.


  1. The Input Hypothesis was put forward by

  [A] Chomsky.

  [B] Sapir.

  [C] Krashen.

  [D] Hymes

  2. Which of the following is palatal affricate?

  [A] [dV]

  [B] [F]

  [C] [V]

  [D] [j]

  3. Which of the following is NOT a suprasegmental feature?

  [A] Stress.

  [B] Intonation.

  [C] Tone.

  [D] Pitch

  4. __________ is Jack London's masterpiece and it is somewhat autobiographical.

  [A] The Son of Wolf

  [B] White Fan

  [C] The Call of the Wild

  [D] Martin Eden

  5. "Art for Art's sake" was advocated by

  [A] William Blake.

  [B] Robert Burns.

  [C] Oscar Wilde.

  [D] Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

  6. __________ was regarded as the declaration of Romanticism in Britain.

  [A] The Song of Innocence

  [B] Ode to West Wind

  [C] The Lyrical Ballads

  [D] To Autumn

  7. English didn't become the official language of the England until __________ after the Hundred Years' War.

  [A] 12th

  [B] 13th

  [C] 14th

  [D] 15th

  8. The colonists who first came and settled in Canada are from

  [A] the U.K

  [B] Spain.

  [C] the U.S.A.

  [D] France

  9. Washington D.C., capital of the United States, is named after

  [A] George Washington.

  [B] Christopher Columbus.

  [C] both of them.

  [D] neither of them.

  10. The largest city in New Zealand is

  [A] Christchurch.

  [B] Auckland.

  [C] Wellington.

  [D] Hamilton



  2. __________

  3. __________

  4. __________

  5. __________

  6. __________

  7. __________

  8. __________

  9. __________

  10. __________

  11. __________


  1. 有些男人还在怀念昔日以男子为中心的年代。那时,他们下了班回家,热腾腾的晚餐已摆好在桌上,妻子儿女围上来问寒问暖;家中大事小事多由自己作主,因为男人作为一家之主承担了全家经济生活的来源。妇女走出家门就业后,男人的供养职责相对减小,在家庭的地位也变得不像从前那么举足轻重了。夫妻双方都有职业,在社会服务并不发达的中国,繁重的家务事自然应落在夫妻二人身上。



专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

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