
2021-04-20 07:12:42来源:网络




  2. According to the research of Yale and the University of Pittsburgh,

  [A] there was a link between a company's success and the personality of its boss.

  [B] There was no connection between a firm's success and its boss's personality.

  [C] people could judge a professor's ability by watching short film-clips of lecturing.

  [D] people could judge a professor's ability only after attending lectures for a full semester.

  3. Dr Ambady and Nicholas Rule

  [A] prove senior managers like talking nonsense.

  [B] demonstrate the development of the research.

  [C] generally agree with the scholars in Yale University.

  [D] denigrate the work of the former researchers.

  4. Which of the following personality traits does NOT contribute to the success of a company according to Dr Ambady and Nicholas Rule's study?

  [A] competence.

  [B] dominance.

  [C] trustworthiness.

  [D] facial maturity

  5. The author will most probably agree on the idea that

  [A] there is no connection between physiognomy and personality.

  [B] people can assess the personality traits on the basis of photograph.

  [C] workers' personality traits are related to the company's profit.

  [D] a baby-face looking is good to the company's success

  6. The last two paragraphs imply that

  [A] well-informed people judge a person less accurately than strangers do.

  [B] people cannot judge a company from the appearance of the boss.

  [C] a company's performance depends on the physiognomy of the boss.

  [D] the physiognomy of the boss is crucial to the stock market report


  8. Who might be the first to find and kill whales in the sea, according to the passage?

  [A] The Basque people of France and Spain.

  [B] People in what would become Norway.

  [C] People from Denmark and the Netherlands.

  [D] People in what would become America

  9. Richard Ellis is best described as a whale

  [A] writer.

  [B] photographer.

  [C] researcher.

  [D] hunter.

  10. Commercial whaling

  [A] was most active in the mid-1960s.

  [B] has been ended entirely.

  [C] has been strictly regulated.

  [D] is still very popular

  11. The International Whaling Commission (IWC) was an organization that

  [A] a country could join only when being a whaling nation.

  [B] had the right to end commercial whaling entirely.

  [C] collected the world's opinion to show concerns for whales.

  [D] had no authority for punishing violators.

  12. Which of the following is NOT true, according to the passage?

  [A] Several species of whales now face extinction.

  [B] The world is less fascinated with whales nowadays now.

  [C] Norway, Iceland and Japan are the only commercial whaling nations.

  [D] The blue whale is the largest animal in the world.


  14. Why does the author choose to be "a buy-and-hold investor"?

  [A] Because his employer prohibits him to trade equities on a short-term basis.

  [B] Because he believes that long-term return will balance out short-term fluctuation.

  [C] Because he is misguided by the loyalty to the idea of "buy and hold."

  [D] Because he is an active investor and keeps an eye on stock markets every day

  15. The word "volatile" in the third paragraph means

  [A] explosive.

  [B] transient.

  [C] unstable.

  [D] lively.

  16. When the author mentions the Titanic analogy,

  [A] he is in favor of it.

  [B] his view is balanced.

  [C] he is slightly critical of it.

  [D] he is strongly critical of it

  17. Which of the following is NOT one of the author's suggestions on investment?

  [A] Create a reasonable investment plan with a decently diversified portfolio.

  [B] Forget about the investment plan completely, once it is in place.

  [C] Remember that risk comes with return in stock-market investment.

  [D] Stay in the investment market with a long-term vision.

  18. This passage mainly focuses on

  [A] a well-diversified investment plan.

  [B] investing in low-cost index funds.

  [C] a long-term investment outlook.

  [D] accepting risk in stock markets


  20. In the passage, Mother Nature showed her power in all of the following ways EXCEPT

  [A] evacuating people to higher ground.

  [B] sweeping different kinds of animals away.

  [C] carrying cars and trucks miles away.

  [D] immersing buildings in the low-lying areas in water

  21. Susan's students sold lollipops, asked the community for donations and collected their own money to

  [A] raise money for their trip to Camp Kern.

  [B] make Easter baskets for the holiday.

  [C] raise money for the victims in the flood.

  [D] buy clothes, furniture and food for the school.

  22. Which of the following words best describes what the author saw when they arrived in Jackson?

  [A] Peaceful.

  [B] Devastated.

  [C] Placid.

  [D] Prosperous

  23. The word "trepidation" in the fourth paragraph means

  [A] excitement.

  [B] agitation.

  [C] annoyance.

  [D] uneasiness

  24. When the author said "I played the small role of messenger" in the last paragraph, he meant

  [A] he was working as a mailman.

  [B] he helped deliver the Easter baskets.

  [C] he delivered written messages to the youth.

  [D] he helped collect money for the school.


  1. The Sapir-Worf hypothesis is about

  [A] language and society.

  [B] language and thought.

  [C] second language acquisition.

  [D] language change.

  2. Male/female, married/single and alive/dead are examples of

  [A] complementarity.

  [B] gradability.

  [C] synonymy.

  [D] relational opposites.

  3. Both of __________ are concerned with the study of speech sounds.

  [A] Phonology and semantics

  [B] Semantics and pragmatics

  [C] Pragmatics and phonetics

  [D] Phonology and phonetics

  4. Robert Louis Stevenson is a representative of __________ in English literature.

  [A] Neo-Romanticism

  [B] Pre-Romanticism

  [C] Romanticism

  [D] Aestheticism

  5. __________ was a leader of the Modernist Movement in English poetry and a great innovator of verse technique.

  [A] T. S. Eliot

  [B] James Joyce

  [C] Virginia Woolf

  [D] William Makepeace Thackery

  6. All the following were written by Ernest Hemingway EXCEPT

  [A] The Sun Also Rises.

  [B] The Old Man and the Sea.

  [C] A Farewell to Arms.

  [D] In a Station of the Metro.

  7. Which of the following is the largest province in Cannada?

  [A] Quebec.

  [B] Saskatchewan.

  [C] Ontario.

  [D] British Columbia

  8. Martin Luther King, Jr. who delivered a famous speech named I Have a Dream was the leader of __________ in U.S.A.

  [A] Bus Boycott

  [B] the Progressive Movement

  [C] Civil Rights Movement

  [D] the Westward Movement

  9. The second largest racial and ethnic group in the United States is

  [A] the White.

  [B] the Hispanics.

  [C] Chinese.

  [D] the Blacks.

  10. Which of the following sports originated from Scotland?

  [A] Golf.

  [B] Football.

  [C] Basketball.

  [D] Tennis.



  2. __________

  3. __________

  4. __________

  5. __________

  6. __________

  7. __________

  8. __________

  9. __________

  10. __________

  11. __________


  1. 多极化趋势正在全球范围内继续发展。各种重要力量相互依存,相互制约,相互合作,有利于世界的和平与稳定。全球有近二百个国家。国家不论大小、贫富、强弱,都是国际大家庭的平等成员。世界和平要靠各国人民的共同努力。世界事务应由世界各国共同参与。我们生活在一个丰富多彩的世界。世界各国无论社会制度、价值观念和发展水平,还是历史传统、宗教信仰和文化背景,都存在着差别。



专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

本文关键字: 专八攻略 专八



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