
2021-05-01 16:26:00来源:网络


  1) Sth. is often referred to as/defined as...

  某事物常常被视为/定义为……;人们常常将某事物视为/定义为……。 (e.g. Corrupt officials are often referred to as the most dangerous borers in our government bodies, who are nibbling away the healthy organism of our party by dishonest means.)

  例:腐败官僚常常被视为我们政府机构中最危险的蛀虫,他们行为不轨,蚕噬着我们党的健 康肌体。

  2) (Doing) Sth. is just the same compared likened to.. like...

  (做)某事物就如同……/可以比作……/类似于……/就像……。 (e.g. Life in the middle of marriage is often compared to wire walking, for in the early years spouses attract each other and in late years they need each other.)

  例:婚姻生活常被比作走钢丝绳,最初几年里夫妻相互吸引,而往后的岁月里他们则相互需 要对方。

  3) Sth. is to...what sth. else is to...

  某事物之于……就像另一事物之于…… (e.g. An individual human existence is to the human society what a river is to the ocean, small and busy rushing past rocks at first, but gradually growing wider and quieter until it becomes merged in the ocean in the end.)

  例:个体自然人的存在之于人类社会就如同河流之于海洋,起初细流跳涌,穿砂过石,然后 渐渐变得宽阔而深沉,直到最后汇入大海。

  4) To/For/With most people/sb., sth. is/means...

  对大部分人/某人来说,某事物就是/意味着…… (e.g. To dishonest people, a friend means a target or an object that is of some use to them at present or in the future.)


  5) Sth. is the symbol/mark/equivalent symbolic equivalent to...

  某事物是……的象征/标志/对等物//相当(等同)于……/象征着…… (e.g. If selling one's sex is the mark of degeneration, selling one's power is equivalent to committing crime.)


  6) Suppose/Imagine 's suppose/assume/imagine (that)...

  假设/试想……;我们假设/假定/试想…… (e.g. Suppose, by any chance, you heartily disagree with anything that is going on about you, you are less likely to stay on the good side of people around you.)


  7) We often find ourselves caught/involved in a dilemma whether...

  我们常常不知不觉地陷入了一种窘境:是……还是……呢。 (e.g. We often find ourselves caught in a dilemma whether we should reach for the bear's paw or for the shark's fin/whether to reach for...)


  8) If/In case/In the event that..., it is better better course is has no choice/option/alternative but we want to know is ho w...

  如果/万一/在……的情况下,最好……/……更为妥当/某人将只能……,除此以外别 无选择/别无他途。/我们只想知道怎样…… (e.g. In the event that you fall in a love river, all we want to know is how you will swim in it, as you are no longer a fisherman.)


专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

本文关键字: 专八写作 专八


