
2021-05-12 15:33:00来源:网络


  BBC News with Nick Kelly

  President Assad of Syria has dismissed the governor of the city of Hama a day after it staged one of the biggest demonstrations yet against his rule. Lina Sinjab reports from Damascus.

  在叙利亚哈马市上演了迄今最大规模的反对阿萨德总统统治的示威活动。一天之后,阿萨德总统解雇了哈马市市长。Lina Sinjab从大马士革发回报道。

  The governor of Hama is believed to be at least partially responsible for the violence that left many dead last month, and the decision to dismiss him seems to be an attempt to appease popular anger, but the violence is continuing. Human rights activists say 24 people were shot dead during protests on Friday when hundreds of thousands are believed to have taken to the streets. Opposition groups in Syria say they see no way out of the crisis unless the army and security forces leave cities and towns, and peaceful demonstrations are allowed.


  There have been several demonstrations in Bahrain following the formal opening of talks between the Sunni authorities and the Shia-dominated opposition. At one demonstration, protesters opposed to the talks chanted for the Bahraini monarch to step down. The talks follow months of anti-government protests, in which more than 30 people have been killed. Mike Wooldridge reports.

  巴林逊尼派当局与什叶派控制的反对派正式开始对话之后发生了几次示威活动。在其中一次示威活动中,抗议者反对要求巴林君主下台的对话。此前,巴林已经发生了为期几个月的反政府抗议活动,造成30多人死亡。Mike Wooldridge报道。

  There's been strong pressure including from the United States, which bases the US Navy's Fifth Fleet in Bahrain, for reconciliation talks between the island nation's Sunni monarchy and the opposition. At the opening session today of what the government's calling a "national dialogue", the parliament speaker said the talks would have no preconditions and there'd be no ceiling on the demands that could be raised by delegates. The main opposition Shia bloc joined in at the last moment after a protracted debate, but it's demanding changes in the way the prime minister is appointed and the release of all those detained in the government's crackdown on protest.


  The African Union says its members will not cooperate with the International Criminal Court in carrying out the arrest warrant against the Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi. At the end of a summit in Equatorial Guinea, the African leaders said that the warrant seriously complicated their efforts to find a political solution.


  The leader of the Lebanese militant Shia group Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has rejected the criminal indictments of four of its senior members who are accused of assassinating the country's former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Mr Hariri and 22 others were killed by a massive bomb in 2005. From Beirut, Owen Bennett-Jones reports.

  黎巴嫩真主党领Hassan Nasrallah拒绝了对其四名高级成员的起诉。这四人被指控暗杀了前总理哈里里。哈里里和其他22人在2005年的一次大规模爆炸中遇难。贝鲁特,Owen Bennett-Jones报道。

  Hassan Nasrallah gave his reaction to the tribunal's arrest warrants in a televised address. He rejected outright the tribunal's findings, criticising various members of the organisation's staff as being biased, corrupt and linked to the CIA. He complained that no serious attempt had been made to investigate whether Israel was behind the assassination. Leaks from the tribunal suggest it's relying mainly on mobile phone evidence to accuse the Hezbollah members. The Lebanese government now has 30 days to arrest the four men. But Hassan Nasrallah said they would not be detained, not even in 300 years.


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