
2021-06-09 07:17:27来源:网络


  Observing Behaviour


  Good morning, everyone. Today we will look at how to observe behaviour in research. Perhaps you would say it is easy and there is nothing extraordinary. Yes, you may be right. All of us observe behaviour every day. For example, when traveling in another country, we can avoid embarrassment by observing how people behave in that culture. And failing to be observing while walking or driving can be life-threatening.


  We learn by observing people's behaviour. Researchers too rely on their observations to learn about behaviour,but there are differences. For instance, when we observe casually, we may not be aware of factors that bias our observations, and, and when we rarely keep formal records of our observations. Instead, we rely on our memory of events. Observations in research on the other hand are made under precisely defined conditions, that is, in a systematic and objective manner, and with careful record keeping.


  Then how are we going to conduct observations in our research studies, and what do we need to do in order to make a scientific and objective observation? Now, as you remember, the primary goal of observation is to describe behaviour, but it is in reality impossible to observe and describe all of a person's behaviour. So we have to rely on observing samples of people's behaviour. Doing so, we must decide whether the samples represent people's usual behaviour. Thus, we will first take a brief look at how researchers select samples of behaviour.


  Before conducting an observational study, researchers must make a number of important decisions, that's about when and where observations will be made. As I've said before, the researcher cannot observe all behaviour. Only certain behaviours occurring at particular times, in specific settings can be observed. In other words, behaviour must be sampled. In this lecture, I will briefly introduce two kinds of sampling, that is, time sampling and situation sampling.



专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

本文关键字: 专八听力 专八


