2020年专八听力练习资料 (14)

2021-06-14 16:05:00来源:网络

  新东方在线专四专八频道给大家整理的2020年专八听力练习资料 (14),希望能够对大家的专四专八考试备考有所帮助,更多有关专四专八的备考内容,欢迎随时关注新东方在线专四专八频道。

  A Concise History of American Literature

  What is literature?

  Literature is language artistically used to achieve identifiable literary qualities and to convey meaningful messages.

  Chapter 1 Colonial Period

  I. Background: Puritanism

  1. features of Puritanism

  (1) Predestination: God decided everything before things occurred.

  (2) Original sin: Human beings were born to be evil, and this original sin can be passed down from generation to generation.

  (3) Total depravity

  (4) Limited atonement: Only the “elect” can be saved.

  2. Influence

  (1) A group of good qualities – hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety (serious and thoughtful) influenced American literature.

  (2) It led to the everlasting myth. All literature is based on a myth – garden of Eden.

  (3) Symbolism: the American puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chiefly instrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American.

  (4) With regard to their writing, the style is fresh, simple and direct; the rhetoric is plain and honest, not without a touch of nobility often traceable to the direct influence of the Bible.

  II. Overview of the literature

  1. types of writing

  diaries, histories, journals, letters, travel books, autobiographies/biographies, sermons

  2. writers of colonial period

  (1) Anne Bradstreet

  (2) Edward Taylor

  (3) Roger Williams

  (4) John Woolman

  (5) Thomas Paine

  (6) Philip Freneau

  III. Jonathan Edwards

  1. life

  2. works

  (1) The Freedom of the Will

  (2) The Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended

  (3) The Nature of True Virtue

  3. ideas – pioneer of transcendentalism

  (1) The spirit of revivalism

  (2) Regeneration of man

  (3) God’s presence

  (4) Puritan idealism

  IV. Benjamin Franklin

  1. life

  2. works

  (1) Poor Richard’s Almanac

  (2) Autobiography

  3. contribution

  (1) He helped found the Pennsylvania Hospital and the American Philosophical Society.

  (2) He was called “the new Prometheus who had stolen fire (electricity in this case) from heaven”.

  (3) Everything seems to meet in this one man – “Jack of all trades”. Herman Melville thus described him “master of each and mastered by none”.

  Chapter 2 American Romanticism

  Section 1 Early Romantic Period

  What is Romanticism?

  ? An approach from ancient Greek: Plato

  ? A literary trend: 18c in Britain (1798~1832)

  ? Schlegel Bros.

  I. Preview: Characteristics of romanticism

  1. subjectivity

  (1) feeling and emotions, finding truth

  (2) emphasis on imagination

  (3) emphasis on individualism – personal freedom, no hero worship, natural goodness of human beings

  2. back to medieval, esp medieval folk literature

  (1) unrestrained by classical rules

  (2) full of imagination

  (3) colloquial language

  (4) freedom of imagination

  (5) genuine in feelings: answer their call for classics

  3. back to nature

  nature is “breathing living thing” (Rousseau)

  II. American Romanticism

  1. Background

  (1) Political background and economic development

  (2) Romantic movement in European countries

  Derivative – foreign influence

  2. features

  (1) American romanticism was in essence the expression of “a real new experience and contained “an alien quality” for the simple reason that “the spirit of the place” was radically new and alien.

  (2) There is American Puritanism as a cultural heritage to consider. American romantic authors tended more to moralize. Many American romantic writings intended to edify more than they entertained.

  (3) The “newness” of Americans as a nation is in connection with American Romanticism.

  (4) As a logical result of the foreign and native factors at work, American romanticism was both imitative and independent.

  III. Washington Irving

  1. several names attached to Irving

  (1) first American writer

  (2) the messenger sent from the new world to the old world

  (3) father of American literature

  2. life

  3. works

  (1) A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty

  (2) The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (He won a measure of international recognition with the publication of this.)

  (3) The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus

  以上就是新东方在线专四专八频道给大家整理的2020年专八听力练习资料 (14),希望对大家有所帮助,更多备考内容,欢迎随时关注新东方在线专四专八频道。

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