
2021-09-29 14:28:00来源:网络


  Suicide bombers in the Afghan capital Kabul have attacked a police station close to the presidential palace. Nine people were killed. An interior ministry spokesman, Mohammad Seddiq Seddiqi, said order had been restored.

  自杀式爆炸者袭击了在阿富汗首都喀布尔的总统府附近一个警察局,有9人遇害。内政部发言人Mohammad Seddiq Seddiqi称,目前秩序已经恢复。

  "The national police managed to kill the terrorists very quickly and cleared the area, and have prevented them from inflicting further harm on civilians. We are pleased that they were killed."


  The attack came soon after President Hamid Karzai gave the first high-level official confirmation that the United States is taking part in talks with the Taliban in Afghanistan.


  Libyan rebels have accused the West of failing to deliver urgent financial aid and say they've run out of cash. The complaint came from the rebel oil and finance minister Ali Tarhouni. Paddy Clark reports.

  利比亚反政府武装指责西方国家未能提供紧急财政援助,他们称已经没有现金。该控诉来自叛军的“石油部长”兼“财政部长”Ali Tarhouni。Paddy Clark报道。

  Mr Tarhouni was speaking in a rare interview in the rebel-held city of Benghazi. He said that after months of fighting the rebels were running out of everything. Western nations either didn't understand, he said, or didn't care. However, he insisted that the rebels will find a way out of their difficulties and said they were talking to major oil companies on future cooperation, including the German firm Wintershall and France's Total. Mr Tarhouni emphasised that the rebels have been dying for their cause, and he was adamant that whatever the setbacks, they would never give up.


  Nato has admitted that its aircraft mistakenly attacked rebel forces in Libya during an air strike on Thursday. In a statement, Nato said it hit a column of military vehicles including tanks near the oil town of Brega, in eastern Libya. It said the rebel convoy was in an area where forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi had been operating. Nato said it regretted any loss of life.


  A court in Somalia has jailed several foreigners for up to 15 years for carrying more than $3.5m to pay ransoms to pirates. The six are from Britain, the United States and Kenya, and were arrested last month shortly after landing in Mogadishu. Here's Grant Ferrett.

  在索马里一家法庭,几名外国人被判入狱15年,因为他们携带超过350万美元向海盗缴纳赎金。这六人分别来自英国,美国和肯尼亚,上月在摩加迪沙登陆之后不久即被逮捕。Grant Ferrett报道。

  The men were put on trial behind closed doors at the same airport at which they landed last month, carrying millions of dollars in ransom. The cash has been confiscated, as have the two aircraft on which they arrived. The Somali government officially opposes the payment of ransoms, but the practice has become routine. The UN estimates more than $110m were paid to Somali pirates last year. It's not clear why this group of men fell foul of the authorities.



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