2022年专八改错100篇Passage 100

2021-10-20 15:45:00来源:网络


  More than 2,000 years ago, the philosopher socrates wandered around athens asking questions, an approach to find truth that thinkers venerated ever since.(1)____(2)____ in modem times, the socratic method was adapted for use in universities and became the dominant form of instruction for students learning philosophy and the law. the most recently national survey on the subject found that 97% of law-school professors use the socratic method in first-year classes.(3)____ socratic dialogues seem to work for the ancient greeks.(4)____ are they efficient for people today?(5)____ recently, a group of researchers decided to find out.

  In a study published in the december 2011 issue of the journal mind, brain, and education, four cognitive scientists from argentina describe what happened when they asked contemporary high school and college students a series of questions identified to those posed by socrates.(6)____ in one of his most famous lessons, socrates showed a young slave boy with a square, then led him through a series of 50 questions intended to teach the boy how to draw the second square with an area twice as large as the first.(7)____ students in the 2011 experiment, led by researcher andrea goldin, gave answers astonishing similar to those offered by socrates' pupils, even making the same mistakes he made.(8)____(9)____ " our results show that the socratic dialogue is built on a strong intuition of human knowledge and reasoning which persist more than twenty-four centuries after its conception," the researchers write.(10)____ their findings, goldin and his co-authors add, demonstrate the existence of "human cognitive universalstraversing time and cultures. "


专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

本文关键字: 专八攻略 专八



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