2022年英语专八人文知识精讲精练 (17)

2021-12-28 08:08:00来源:网络



  __1__ Percy Bysshe Shelly is famous for ___.

  A Ode to a Skylark and Ode to a Nightingale

  B Ode on a Grecian Urn and Ode to the West Wind

  C Ode to a Nightingale and Ode on a Grecian Urn

  D Ode to the West Wind and Ode to a Skylark

  __2__ “Three of four families in a country village is something to work.” This statement was presented by ___.

  A Emily Bronte

  B Jane Austen

  C Mrs. Gaskell

  D George Eliot

  __3__ George Eliot wrote all the following except ___.

  A The Mill of Floss

  B Silas Marner

  C Middlemarch

  D Agnes Grey

  __4__ The novel Vanity Fair was written by ___.

  A William Makepeace Thackeray

  B Charles Dickens

  C O. Henry

  D Henry James

  __5__ Vanity Fair was a novel written by William Makepeace Thackeray, and the term “vanity fair” firstly appeared in ___ by ___.

  A Canterbury Tales … Geoffrey Chaucer

  B The Pilgrim’s Progress … John Bunyan

  C Tome Jones … Henry Fielding

  D Dubliners … James Joyce

  __6__ The novel Vanity Fair was written by William Makepeace Thackeray who also wrote ___.

  A The Way of all life

  B The History of Henry Esmond

  C Sister Carrie

  D Howard’s End

  __7__Barchester Series is a series of novels written by ___.

  A Barchester

  B Thomas Hardy

  C Anthony Trollope

  D Mark Twin

  __8__ Erehwon is a satiric novel written by ___.

  A Samuel Butler

  B Henry Fielding

  C Thomas More

  D Mark Twin

  __9__ In “the lake Isle of Innisfree” William Butler Yeats Express his ___?

  A desire to escape from the materialistic society

  B fear caused by the impending war

  C interest in the Irish legend

  D Love for Maud Gonne, a beautiful Irish actress

  __10__ Walter Scott’s historical novels cover a long period of time, from the Middle Ages to 18th century. His work Ivanhoe deals an epoch of ___ history.

  A English

  B French

  C Scotland

  D Irish


  1选D。 题中所有“颂歌”都是浪漫主义诗人的代表作品,《西风颂》(Ode to the West Wind),《云雀颂》(Ode to a Skylark)是雪莱的代表作抒情诗。

  2选B。 奥斯丁通过对熟悉的人和事物的描写展示了她所生活的英国乡绅阶层的生活景观,她认为“一个乡村中的三四户人家是合适的写作对象。”

  3选D。 乔治.爱略特是玛丽.安.伊万斯(Mary Ann Evans)的笔名,这位才女是19世纪现实主义小说的真正代表,她的《弗罗斯河上的磨坊》(The Mill of Floss),《织工马南》(Silas Marner),和《米德尔马契》(Middlemarch)等作品以写实手法展现英国的社会人生图,对人物的内心活动和行为机动刻画十分生动细致,爱略特因此被誉为心理小说的先驱。 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]

  4 选A。 《名利场》是威廉.麦克皮斯.萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)创作的小说。小说通过女主人公不择手段跻身上流社会的故事,对势力者进行了无情的揭露和嘲讽。

  5 选B。 《名利场》是威廉.麦克皮斯.萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)创作的小说。小说通过女主人公不择手段跻身上流社会的故事,对势力者进行了无情的揭露和嘲讽。名利场这一词最初出现在班扬的《天路历程》(The Pilgrim’s Progress)一书中,是一个虚构的专门出售虚荣用品的集市,如地位、荣誉、头衔、财富等等。萨克累将其借用过来作为小说的名。

  6 选B。萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackrary)的《亨利.埃斯蒙德》(The History of Henry Esmond)是英国文学史上一部杰出的历史小说。

  7 选C。 安东尼.特罗洛普(Anthony Trollope)是19世纪中下叶英国重要的小说家,他是一位多产作家,作品达47部之多,主要作品是“巴塞特郡系列小说”(Barchester Series)。

  8 选A。 塞缪尔.勃特勒(Samuel Butler)的《埃瑞璜》(Erehwon)是一部讽刺性小说,Erehwon是英文nowhere的倒写,通过一位游客在埃瑞璜的所见所闻,记录了这个乌托邦国家的生活,以此抨击和讽刺英国社会。

  9 选A。 《伊尼斯弗里河》(the Lake Isle of Innisfree)是叶芝最为著名的抒情诗之一,表达了渴望回归自然,过一种古老、纯朴、隐士般生活的愿望。

  10 选A。 司各特的历史小说通常被分为三类:以苏格兰历史为背景的小说有《罗布.罗伊》(Rob Roy), 以英国历史为背景的小说有《艾凡赫》(Ivanhoe),以欧洲其他国家历史为背景的小说有《昆丁.达威特》(Quentin Durwark)。


专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

本文关键字: 专八攻略 专八


