2022年英语专四听力练习素材 (28)

2022-04-23 09:50:00来源:网络

2022年英语专四听力练习素材 (28)

  英语专四听力的复习指导,对于大家来说,也是尤为重要的。在实际的复习中,大家需要找到英语专四听力正确的备考方向,备考内容,这样才能有针对性的备考训练,提升我们的英语专四听力水平。下面小编为大家整理了“2022年英语专四听力练习素材 (28)”,让我们一起来看看吧!


  There are many different kinds of soils. Different soils have different types of rock and minerals in them. Some soils have more water in them than others. Some soils might have more plant and animal material in them, too.

  Different kinds of soils are found in different parts of the world. There are several kinds of soils found in the United States. In some areas, the soil has a lot of clay. Other soils are very sandy. Loam is a kind of soil that has a good mixture of clay and sand.

  In some places, soil layers are very thick. Lots of plants grow in places with a thick soil layer. In dry and windy places soil layers are much thinner. Layers of soil on mountains are thin because gravity pulls the soil downhill.

  The type of soil in a particular place affects what kinds of plants can grow there. (150 words)

  Useful Words and Expressions:

  mineral n.矿物,矿石

  clay n.黏土,泥土

  loam n.(含有黏土、沙以及有机物质的)肥土

  layer n.层,阶层

  gravity n.地心引力,重力

  downhill adv.往下

  affect v.影响;感动;患(病),中(暑)

  be affected by heat[cold]中暑[着凉〕

  Smoking affect health.吸烟影响健康。

  He was deeply affected by my words.他听了我的话很受感动。

  以上就是为大家整理的“2022年英语专四听力练习素材 (28)”,希望大家能够更好的掌握专四听力,提高专四水平。

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本文关键字: 英语专四听力 英语专四


