2024年专四写作预测题目: 压力产生的原因

2024-05-13 16:56:00来源:网络


  Topic 23: What are the factors that cause stress and how to cope with




  ? 休息的时间不够充足(inadequate leisure time),高压力和快节奏的生活方式(live a high-pressured,

  fast-paced lifestyle);时间和金钱管理不当(poor time and money management),不能

  够同时兼顾家庭和工作(juggle work and family commitments) ; 对—些东西的专注性过高


  ? 环境的因素(the environmental factors)、工作(career concerns)、社会关系(social

  relationships) 和家庭问题(family problems)等;

  ? 想法或者对一些事情的态度(比如经济困难、学业困难、慢性病,甚至是小的事情)(thoughts / attitudes toward

  financial difficulties, academic difficulties, chronic illnesses, minor

  matters), 性格 (personality),可能有不切实际的期待(unrealistic

  expectations),对事情的处理方法(interpret events and situations)等


  ?养成好的习惯,比如合理的饮食有助于改善自身健康(proper eating contributes to feelings of

  well-being)、定期运动(exercise regularly);平衡好自己的责任和确立首要的事情(balance obligations and

  set priorities);

  ?习惯自己每天的生活,忽略一些问题的潜在影响(become accustomed to your daily activities and

  overlook their cumulative effect),养成良好的心态(nurture a good state of mind),争取减少

  忧虑(block out worries);要有决断力(be assertive),将生活中的突变看作是正面的挑战,而 不是威胁(positive

  challenge, not a threat.);

  ?平衡家庭生活和工作生活(balance work and family);有闲难要及时寻求别人的帮助(turn to others for

  support),要处理好和其他人的矛盾(resolve conflicts with other people); 通过体育、

  社交活动或者业余爱好来摆脱压力(release yourself from daily stresses with group sports, social

  events and hobbies):


  Life today is filled with sources of stress, much of which cannot be

  avoided, When stress appears to be a lifelong problem to many people, how it

  actually forms remains a subject of controversy to many scientists. The

  objective of this essay is to outline both the sources of stress and appropriate

  ways of dealing with it.

  Many stressors arise from people's circumstances. For example, the

  high-pressured and fast-paced lifestyle has made it unlikely for people to gain

  adequate leisure time. Failure to balance work and leisure causes them either to

  struggle with deteriorating health or to cope with psychological distress, e.g.,

  anxiety and depression. Together with some other problems, such as disharmony

  with others, unpleasant work or living environment, it would increase stress to

  an unmanageable level.

  Another group of stressors is intertwined with personality, People

  interpret events or situations differently. A problem taken as a threat by many

  people might be accepted as a positive challenge to others, Evidence is

  inconclusive about the reasons behind this distinction, but it is widely

  believed that a person of a cheerful disposition is less likely to be heavily

  affected by adversity. Of equal importance is the ability to handle with some

  issues, such as time and money. Considering the role of personality in deciding

  the attitudes toward an issue and responses to an event, the effect of stress

  management skills actually varies from person to person.

  Methods to cope with stress are many, but the most effective ones are in

  fact not remote or complicated but accessible and practicable. People under

  stress are advised to participate more in recreational activities, adopt a sound

  dieting habit, and exercise regularly. They should learn to block out worries

  and try to keep the effect of a challenge in life to a minimum. Finally, it is

  important to nurture a good state of mind and to perceive things positively.

  As suggested above, environment factors can be taken as the sources of

  stress and people's personality determines the extent to which they are

  influenced by those factors. Adopting a healthy

  lifestyle and proper attitudes toward life can promote people's physical

  and psychological well-being and help them relieve stress.


  1. lifelong=lasting=enduring=all-time:永远的,终生的

  2. form=develop=take shape:发展,形成

  3. lifestyle=way of life=daily life=everyday life :生活方式

  4. unpleasant=disagreeable: 使人不愉'快的,让人厌恶的

  5. unmanageable=uncontrollable:不可控制的

  6. interpret=understand=construe:理解,解释

  7. cheerful=positive:乐观的,开朗的 .

  8. disposition=character=temperament: 性格,品性

  9. practicable=workable:可以实施的

  10. block out二erase=forget=wipe out:抹去,忘记,消除


专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

本文关键字: 英语专业四级作文


