• 专八写作模拟(7):体育与图书馆,孰轻孰重?

      专八写作模拟(7):体育与图书馆,孰轻孰重?  题目:  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Universities should give the same amount of mon...

    来源 : 沪江英语网 02月01日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作模拟(6):人们为什么去博物馆?

      专八写作模拟(6):人们为什么去博物馆?  题目:  Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use spe...

    来源 : 沪江英语网 02月01日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作模拟(5):家常菜VS下馆子

      专八写作模拟(5):家常菜VS下馆子  题目:  Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home....

    来源 : 沪江英语网 02月01日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作技巧:开篇模板精选

      1. With the (rapidly) growing popularity of Internet surfing ( computers /cars/mobile phones/pagers/.PDP television/... ) in China, the quality of our ...

    来源 : 沪江英语网 02月01日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作模拟(4):逃课有理?

      专八写作模拟(4):逃课有理?  题目:  Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to cla...

    来源 : 沪江英语网 02月01日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作模拟(3):好邻居的品质

      专八写作模拟(3):好邻居的品质  题目:  Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use spe...

    来源 : 沪江英语网 02月01日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作四大类之是非篇:(1)

      专八写作的类型大致可划分为四类:Yes—No,Cause—Effect,Preference和Problem Solution。本站针对每种类别精心挑选10篇模拟题目和经典范文。让我们逐一攻克这些写作类型,一起过专八...

    来源 : 可可英语 01月31日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作四大类之是非篇:(2)

      Students are becoming busier and busier. They have more courses to take, more expectations to meet, and more pressure to suffer. But many teachers co...

    来源 : 可可英语 01月31日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作四大类之是非篇:(3)

      There are certainly many teachers in a university, and different teachers teach in different ways. Now there is a growing trend among students to exp...

    来源 : 可可英语网 01月31日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作四大类之是非篇:(4)

      More and mare students are renting Rats to live away from campus, among then are student lovers. Some students think this is unacceptable, but ethers...

    来源 : 可可英语 01月31日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作四大类之是非篇:(5)

      Now multiple-choice test has become the major test format in and out of university. Although it is praised far its scoring efficiency and accuracy, m...

    来源 : 可可英语 01月31日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作四大类之是非篇:(6)

      Now many universities are asking their students to evaluate their teachers. Most students are excited at this, but most teachers seen to ha3d differen...

    来源 : 可可英语 01月31日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 专八写作四大类之是非篇:(7)

      Recently a group of college girls aroused a heated debate in the States because they ware flip-flaps when visiting the While E-louse. While the girls...

    来源 : 可可英语网 01月31日 00:00 关键字 : 专八写作

  • 冲击波英语专八系列:作文范文赏析之人口爆炸

      写作题目  The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for poor, undeveloped countries, but also for...

    来源 : 沪江英语网 01月30日 00:00 关键字 : 专八作文

  • 冲击波英语专八系列:作文范文赏析之核能的利用与开发

      写作题目  We have been living in the nuclear age for over half a century. Since the rst atomic bombs were developed, nuclear technology has provided...

    来源 : 沪江英语网 01月30日 00:00 关键字 : 专八作文


