2019英语专八听力mini lecture全真模拟训练MP3附文本(二十四)

2019-02-28 11:31:00来源:网络

2019英语专八听力mini lecture全真模拟训练MP3附文本(二十四)

  2019专八考试临近,寒假期间专八考生们也别松懈了对专八听力的训练,新东方在线专八频道整理了2019英语专八听力mini lecture全真模拟训练MP3附文本,希望大家认真复习。

2019英语专八听力mini lecture全真模拟训练MP3附文本汇总


  [00:13.51]Section A MINI-LECTURE

  [00:16.97]In this section you will hear a mini-lecture.

  [00:20.29]You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY.

  [00:23.73]While listening to the mini-lecture,

  [00:25.82]please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE

  [00:30.29]and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

  [00:34.70]Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically

  [00:39.23]and semantically acceptable.

  [00:41.85]You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.

  [00:45.67]You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.

  [01:19.89]Now, listen to the mini-lecture.

  [01:22.30]When it is over, you will be given THREE minutes

  [01:25.05]to check your work.

  [01:27.41]How to Use the Internet to Learn a Language

  [01:31.18]Good morning, everyone.

  [01:32.87]Today's lecture is one of our freshmen orientation series

  [01:37.26]and we will talk about how to use the Internet to learn a language.

  [01:41.43]As we know, the world we live in grows increasingly

  [01:44.68]more connected with the passage of each year.

  [01:48.22]Thanks to the advent of the internet, the world has become such that

  [01:52.73]any two people with access to computers and Internet access

  [01:56.74]can communicate for free.

  [01:58.98]The ability to communicate with humans in far-away places

  [02:02.84]has revolutionized the way business is done.

  [02:06.26]Likewise, the presence of other languages, especially Spanish,

  [02:10.32]has grown in the United States in the last few years.

  [02:13.62]All of these factors make now a perfect time to start learning a foreign language.

  [02:19.53]The Internet is one of the best resources for such a venture.

  [02:23.64]Not only does there exist a plethora of learning resources available for free,

  [02:28.63]but there are native speakers of most languages trying to learn English.

  [02:33.89]In this lecture, I am going to elaborate on some ways

  [02:37.33]that we can use the Internet to learn a foreign language.

  [02:42.26]Before you begin, reflect on your level of proficiency in the language

  [02:46.01]that you are learning.

  [02:47.83]Do you know some basic words and phrases,

  [02:50.44]but have trouble forming your own thoughts and opinions?

  [02:53.86]Are you at a point where you have amassed a number of vocabulary words,

  [02:57.97]but need to practice reading?

  [03:00.44]Are you fairly proficient as far as forming sentences and speaking,

  [03:04.50]but wish to improve your accent?

  [03:07.36]Determine first what you intend to focus on,

  [03:10.49]and make decisions based on the areas in which you find yourself lacking.

  [03:15.36]After that, you may get started in seeking help from the Internet

  [03:19.67]and here are the ways that might help you.

  [03:22.80]First, look for lessons online.

  [03:25.88]If you are just beginning to learn a language, look for lessons online about things

  [03:31.17]like verb conjugation, idioms, basic phrases and vocabulary, etc.

  [03:37.23]There may be sites with quizzes you can take

  [03:40.63]so that you receive feedback about your progress.

  [03:45.19]Depending on the language, the availability of sites such as these can vary.

  [03:50.37]Sites like this teaching German are probably more prevalent

  [03:54.17]than those teaching Indian, for example. Nonetheless, search.

  [03:59.21]Even if you don't find any lessons, you can learn about the language,

  [04:03.30]which is often quite valuable, as you can get a feel for the culture

  [04:07.20]from which the language originated.

  [04:09.89]Stream an Internet radio station with music in the language you're learning.

  [04:15.01]Listening to music is helpful because it is not a chore,

  [04:19.03]songs are relatively short and are entertaining,

  [04:22.72]and you can develop a better ear for the language.

  [04:26.17]You may find that your musical tastes expand,

  [04:29.73]and you will have much more fun listening to music

  [04:32.47]than listening to hours of spoken language. Sing along — it's good for you.

  [04:37.67]Anyone can do this. If you have trouble listening to the music,

  [04:41.46]or find the music distracting, look for podcasts instead.

  [04:46.47]Second, read an online newspaper.

  [04:49.49]An online version of a newspaper written in the language you are learning

  [04:54.59]is one of the resources with the most breadth and ability to benefit you.

  [04:59.88]While reading one of these, try to pick out vocabulary words

  [05:03.44]that you don't know, or grammatical structures that are new to you.

  [05:07.75]You may even be able to learn some slang, and if you read the newspaper regularly,

  [05:12.72]you may find yourself becoming more culturally conscious.

  [05:16.39]The nice thing about online newspapers is that they are free,

  [05:20.38]you can read them when it is convenient for you,

  [05:23.37]and you will probably be familiar with some of the events that are going on,

  [05:28.61]which should help to keep and spur your interest.

  [05:32.99]This tip is best for those who have a stronger background in the language,

  [05:37.42]or else it can be intimidating and even discouraging

  [05:40.66]to encounter such a wide variety of unfamiliar words.

  [05:45.12]Try translating articles and seeing how natural you can make the language sound,

  [05:50.67]or try translating articles from English to the language you are trying to learn

  [05:55.23]and search for articles about the same topic,

  [05:57.97]to see how native writers utilize the language.

  [06:02.28]Third, search for literature in the language.

  [06:06.04]Literature and poetry may be available in the language you are trying to learn,

  [06:11.14]if you just search for it.

  [06:13.51]It is possible that you can find works that have been translated

  [06:17.07]and you can read them side by side

  [06:19.16]to improve your reading and translation abilities in general.

  [06:23.16]Look for famous works if you know of any,

  [06:26.10]as these have likely been more often and more reliably translated.

  [06:31.94]Fourth, watch videos or shows in the language.

  [06:36.17]Sites analogous to YouTube have emerged quickly in a variety of languages.

  [06:42.57]On these, like on YouTube,

  [06:45.47]you should be able to find clips of television shows and movies.

  [06:49.78]If you are trying to develop an ear for the language,

  [06:52.35]look up interviews with famous actors and actresses that speak the language.

  [06:57.90]These will probably be easy enough

  [06:59.64]for intermediate to advanced learners to follow.

  [07:03.56]Finally, find a partner who speaks the language.

  [07:07.42]A variety of language interchange websites exist now,

  [07:11.30]serving to match people who want to learn a language

  [07:14.30]with others who want to learn their language.

  [07:17.72]You may speak English and want to learn Portuguese,

  [07:20.97]and someone in Brazil might want to learn English.

  [07:24.49]Partnering up will allow you both

  [07:26.61]to improve your abilities in the other's native language.

  [07:30.84]Before you go down this route,

  [07:32.52]make sure that you are dedicated, of intermediate proficiency or greater,

  [07:38.25]and can put aside a certain amount of time on a regular basis

  [07:41.98]to talk or write to the other person online.

  [07:46.49]OK. I have outlined five ways for you to use Internet to learn a language.

  [07:52.00]I hope you will have fun and rewarding experience

  [07:55.05]when using the Internet to perfect whatever language of your choice.

  [08:02.03]Now you have THREE minutes to check your work.

  [11:05.88]This is the end of Section A MINI-LECTURE.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学



  • 2022年大学英语专八词汇整理 (14)


    来源 : 网络 2021-07-09 14:39:00 关键字 : 专四听力 专四

  • 2022年大学英语专八词汇整理 (13)


    来源 : 网络 2021-07-09 14:39:00 关键字 : 专四听力 专四

  • 2022年大学英语专八词汇整理 (12)


    来源 : 网络 2021-07-08 14:39:00 关键字 : 专八听力 专八

  • 2022年大学英语专八词汇整理 (11)


    来源 : 网络 2021-07-08 14:39:00 关键字 : 专八听力 专八

  • 2022年大学英语专八词汇整理 (10)


    来源 : 网络 2021-07-08 14:39:00 关键字 : 专八听力 专八
