
2017-01-18 15:33:25来源:网络


  Good morning, today well look at some study activities carried out in university as we know,students in colleges or universities are expected to master some academic materials that arefairly difficult to understand. However, some of them find it hard to learn some complex,abstract or unfamiliar subject matter. As a result, a central problem in higher education is howto internalize academic knowledge, that is, how to make knowledge your own. In order to doso we must convert knowledge from being other's knowledge to being part of our own way ofthinking.

  Then how are we going to do it? What's the means available to help us in the process oflearning? There are four key study activities currently used in higher education to encouragestudents to internalize knowledge. They are the ones we are familiar with: writing essay, goingto classes and seminars, having individual tutorials and listening to lectures. The four activitiesare long-established features of our higher education, and they are as important now as theywere a hundred years ago. Now let's look at the features of them one by one.

  First, essay writing. The central focus of university work, especially in humanities, for example inliterature, history or politics, is on students' producing regular essays or papers whichsummarize and express their personal understanding of the topic. Then what is good aboutessay writing? Firstly, writing essays forces you to select what you find interesting in books andjournals and to express your understanding in the coherent form. Individual written work alsoprovides teachers with the best available guide to how you are processing in the subject, andallows them to give advice on how to develop your strengths or counteract your weaknesses.Lastly, of course, individual written work is still the basis of almost all assessment in highereducation. Written assignments familiarize you with the form of your exams or course whatpapers will take.

  The second key activity in colleges and universities is seminars and class discussions. Their roleis to help you to internalize academic knowledge by providing specialized contexts so that youcan talk about such difficult problems as the treat of between inflation and the unemploymentin economic policy or the use of the metaphors in Shakespeare's plays. Talking is a moreinteractive activity than written work. In the conversation you know immediately how effectiveyou are in expressing your point and can modify what you are saying in response to people'sreactions. In addition, a normal program of between 10 to 25 classes will cover far more topicsthan one subject. Then you can hope to manage your written work. Participating in flexibleconversations across this range of issues also allows you to practice using the broaderknowledge gained from other key activities such as lectures.

  Now let's take a look at another activity, individual tutorials. Discussions between the teacherand one or two students are used in many colleges as a substitute for or supplement togroup discussion in classes like those mentioned before. Tutorials can range from directexplanation by teacher and subject to flexible conversational sessions which at their best veryeffective in stimulating students' mastery of body of knowledge. The one-to-one quality ofthe personal interaction is very important in stimulating acceptance of ideas and producingfruitful interaction. In order to make individual tutorial really work, students should makegood preparation beforehand, and during the tutorial they also should ask questions to keepthe ball rolling rather than let the teachers talk the vacuum.

  The last activity is lectures. As we all know, lectures play a large part of most students'timetable and occupy considerable proportion of teachers' efforts. However the majordifficulty with lectures is that they are not interactive like discussion or tutorials. The lecturernormally talks for the whole time with minimal feed-back from questions. The signs makingnotes the lecture well-concentrating on the argument being developed is often difficult to somestudents, especially when the argument is very complicated. However, we have said thatlectures are clearly valuable in several specific ways. They can provide a useful overview inevery map, as it were, to familiarize you with the mainland features to be encountered duringthe course. Lectures typically give much more accessible descriptions of theoreticalperspectives in their oral presentations that can be found in the academic literature. Wheneverthere is a rapid pace of progress in theory or practice, lectures play an indispensable part inletting students know the development immediately, usually several years before the newmaterial is included in textbooks. Lastly, lectures are often very useful in allowing you to seedirectly how exponents of different views build up their arguments. The cues provided by thingssomeone talking in person may seem irrelevant, but these cues are important aids tounderstanding the subject matter better later.

  So far we've discussed four study activities and their respective features and roles in highereducation. Of course, study activities are not limited to just these four types. There're otheractivities that are equally important, such as general reading, project learning, etc. We will coverthem during our next lecture.

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