2022年专八语言学笔记要点 (9)

2021-12-26 08:25:00来源:网络


  Chapter 9 Second Language Acquisition (SLA)

  l What is SLA?

  n What is language acquisition?

  u The natural process of children’s language development.

  u It is different from language learning.

  u Four stages of language acquisition

  l Babbling – holophrastic – two-word – telegraphic

  n What is second language acquisition (SLA)?

  u SLA is learning a language in F2 (the language being learnt) language environment.

  u It is different from foreign language learning, which is learning a language in F1 language environment.

  u The major difference is the environment.

  n Foreign language teaching (FLT) and second language teaching (SLT)

  n SLA theory

  l Factors affecting SLA

  n External factors: social factors

  u Social demand

  u Language policy

  n Internal factors: learner factors

  u Motivation

  l Instrumental

  l Integrative

  u Age

  u Learning strategy

  l Cognitive

  n Repetition

  n Translation

  n Note-taking

  l Metacognitive

  n Organizing

  n Self-monitoring

  n Self-evaluation

  u Personality

  u Attitude

  l Analysis of learners’ language

  n Why analyze?

  u Learners’ language provides data for research into the nature of the learning process. In order to gain insight into the process, researchers have engaged in the analysis of learners’ language.

  n How to analyze?

  u Contrastive analysis

  l Compare the target language with the mother tongue.

  u Error analysis

  l Identifying errors

  n Errors are due to the fault in knowledge of the speaker, while mistakes are because of unsuccessful performance.

  l Describing errors

  n Omission

  - He came into _ classroom with a book in _ hand.

  n Addition/wordy

  - My child goes to his school.

  n Selection

  - I hope/wish…

  n Disordering

  - I yesterday went to … (I, yesterday, went to …/I went to … yesterday)

  l Explaining errors and analyzing reason

  n Interlingual factors

  - Mother tongue’s influence

  n Intralingual factors


专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学

本文关键字: 专八攻略 专八



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