
2024-05-09 16:57:48来源:网络


  Topic 11: Only government action can solve housing shortages in big

  cities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  ? 房屋商业化(commercialization of housing)最大的受害人是低收人家庭(unaffordable to

  low-income families), 对此,政府可以多建经济适用房(economical housing),并采取措施对房地

  产行业进行干预(government intervention);

  ? 住房购买力的缺口加大(the housing affordability gap widens),而且租金(rental

  rates)也在不断增加低收人家庭(low-income families)没有能力买房(unable to buy houses);

  ? 人口过多和过分拥挤造成住房紧缺(the direct result of overcrowding and overpopulation),因此

  政府应通过划地政策(zoning policies)、城市发展(urban development)规划、住房补贴(housing



  ? 住房分配体系(house allocation system)会严重降低私人投资的热情(dampen the enthusiasm of

  individuals in housing investment),房屋建设的投资少(a grave shortage in the investment

  in house construction) , 很难减轻住房压力(ease the housing pressure);房地产是一个大的产业,


  ? 当市场占据主导地位(the fundamental role)时,建筑工程质量(construction

  quality)、房屋的功能(functionalily)、房屋的质量(housing quality)都会有所提高。此时,政府对房屋市场的完全

  控制会导致单调的城市景观(monotonous cityscape, uniformity of house design),不能够满足城

  市居民对生活条件的高要求(comprehensive requirements on living conditions )。


  Housing shortage has become a serious urban social issue in many parts of

  the world. It has been argued that only when the government has taken actions,

  can demand for homes be fulfilled. Yet to the best of my knowledge, the

  government alone cannot cope well with housing shortages.

  One of the main objections to government intervention is that it would

  hamper the private sector and simultaneously pose a huge burden upon the state.

  In countries where the government is on a tight budget and the homeless

  population is large, the involvement of private property developers is required

  and recommended. Not only does it release the government from the burden of

  funding large-sized construction programmes but it also fosters the housing

  industry. Given its role in attracting public consumption and accelerating

  economic development, the housing industry should be at the mercy of the market,

  rather than the government.

  Another drawback of state control over the housing market is that it could

  result in the stagnancy of construction quality, functionality, facilities and

  other aspects of housing. Apartment blocks or other residential constructions

  would be built in a similar pattern and the cityscape would be monotonous.

  Excessive uniformity, especially in the size and number of rooms, will fail to

  meet comprehensive requirements raised by citizens on properties.

  Despite these objections, government intervention is essential in some

  segments of the market and can render more resistance to citizens. Single

  parents, the people with disabilities and other disadvantaged people are among

  those who are not ready to afford commercial housing. The government can provide

  them either with housing allowance to purchase their private properties or

  directly with economical houses.

  As indicated above, in addressing homelessness and inadequate housing, the

  joint effort of both government and private sector is required. While government

  intervention would impede the property market and negatively influence the

  supply and demand relationship, government assistance is essential for

  low-income families and vulnerable individuals in need of housing,


  1. objection=opposition=argument against:反对的观点

  2. at the mercy of=reliant on:由...控制

  3. monotonous=repetitive:单调的,单一的

  4. uniformity=sameness: 一致性,相同性,单一性

  5. comprehensive=wide-ranging=ample:广泛的

  6. intervention=interference=involvement: 干涉,参与

  7. segment=sector=section : 部分

  8. allowance=subsidy=payment: 补助,津贴

  9. joint=combined=shared=united:联合的


专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

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