
2015-04-07 10:15:47来源:网络

  92、 By saying "the only other course" (Line 5, Para.3 ), the author refers to ______

  A.Civil War



  D.political conflict

  93、 Millions of people take Lincoln as a personal treasure NOT because ______

  A.he embodies decency, honest dealing, plain talk and a lot of other admirable qualities

  B.he is the kind of tough strugglers whom common people respect and love

  C.he stands for democracy

  D.he is a typical American

  94、 Which of the following statements can NOT be deduced from this passage?

  A.Lincoln claimed to free the slaves when he was a Chief Executive.

  B.Lincoln persistently carried out ideas in his mind.

  C.Lincoln is beloved as the embodiment of freedom and democracy.

  D.Though admired by people, Lincoln took high-handed measures as a dictator.

  95、 The passage indicates that Abraham Lincoln was the embodiment of______





  96、 According to the passage, many people in the U.S.______

  A.do not like Abraham Lincoln

  B.have great desire for liberty

  C.are in crises

  D.have sacrificed for democracy


  "We'll give the dispenser (药剂师 ) something to do.If we go on prescribing these, he'll lose his cunning."

  The students laughed, and the doctor gave them a circular glance of enjoyment in his joke.Then he touched the bell and, when the porter poked his head in, said: "Old women, please."

  He leaned back in his chair, chatting with the house-physician while the porter herded along the old patients.They came in, strings of anemic girls, with large fringes and pallid lips, who could not digest their bad, insufficient food; old ladies, fat and thin, aged prematurely by frequent confinements, with winter coughs; women with this, that, and the other, the matter with them.Dr.Tyrell and his house-physician got through them quickly Time was getting on, and the air in the small room was growing more sickly.

  By about six o'clock they were finished.Philip, exhausted by standing all the time, by the bad air, and by the attention he had given, strolled over with his fellow,clerks to the Medical School to have tea.He found the work of absorbing interest.There was humanity there in the rough, the materials the artist worked on; and Philip felt a curious thrill when it occurred to him that he was in the position of the artist and the patients were like clay in his hands.He remembered with an amused shrug of the shoulders his life in Paris, absorbed in color, tone, values, heaven knows what, with the aim of producing beautiful things.The directness of contact with men and women gave a thrill of power which he had never known: He fotnd an endless excitement in looking at their faces and hearing them speak; they came in each with his peculiarity, Some shuffling uncouthly, some with a little trip, others with heavy, slow tread, some shyly.Often you could guess their trades by the look of them.You learnt in what way to put your questions so that they should be understood, you discovered on what subjects nearly all lied, and by what inquiries you could extort the truth notwithstanding.You saw the different way people took the same things.The diagnosis of dangerous illness would be accepted by one 'with a laugh and a joke, by another with dumb despair.Philip found that he was less shy with these people than he had ever been with others; he felt not exactly sympathy, for sympathy suggests condescension; but he felt at home with them.He found that he was able to put them at their ease, and, when he had beengiven a case to find out what he could about it, it seemed to him that the patient delivered himself into his hands with a peculiar confidence.

  "Perhaps," he thought to himself, with a smile, "perhaps I'm cut out to be a doctor.It would be rather a lark if I’d hit upon the one thing I'm fit for."

  The word "cunning" probably means ________.





  98、 It can be inferred that Dr.Tyrell was________.





  99、 According to the passage, Philip found________.

  A.the art work interesting

  B.the work of a doctor amusing

  C.patients similar to clay

  D.the work of a doctor similar to that of an artist

  100、 We can infer from the passage that Philip________.

  A.used to be absorbed in art

  B.did not want to mention his life in Paris

  C.is interested in producing beautiful things

  D.does not like direct contact with people

  101、 At the end of the passage, Philip sounded________.





专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

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