
2016-11-22 15:36:39来源:网络

  51. 投诉 lodge complaint

  52. 贸易争端 trade disputes

  53. 乱收费 random charges

  54. 市场疲软 sluggish market

  55 .贸易顺差 favorable trade balance

  56. 贸易逆差 unfavorable trade balance

  57. 实行优惠政策 launch a preferential policy

  58. 繁荣市场 flourish the market

  59. 加入世贸组织 accession to the WTO/ entry into the WTO

  60. 最惠国待遇 Most-Favored-Nation treatment

  61. 消费者协会 consumer’s association

  62. 消费者购买力 consumer purchasing power

  63. 新兴市场 emerging market

  64. 抑制消费 control / inhibit consumption

  65. 无形资产 intangible assets

  66. 有形资产 tangible assets

  67. 市场占有率 market share

  68. 严重违约 grave breach of contract

  69. 泡沫经济 bubble economy

  70. 品牌效应 brand effect

  71. 企业重组 reshuffle of enterprises

  72. 贸易壁垒 trade barrier

  73. 人才流失 brain drain

  74. 清理“三角债” break up the debt chain

  75. 企业文化 corporate culture

  76. 商业炒作 commercial speculation

  77. 扩大内需,刺激消费 expand domestic demand and consumption

  78. 拉动经济增长 fuel economic growth

  79. 连锁反应 chain reaction / domino effect

  80. 竞争优势 competitive edge

  81. 经济结构调整 economic restructuring

  82. 经济增长点 economic growth point ; growth engine

  83. 经济过热 overheated economy

  84. 经济滑坡 economic downturn

  85. 集约化经营 intensive management

  86. 灰色收入 gray income

  87. 福利分房 welfare-oriented public housing distribution system

  88. 分期付款 installment payment

  89. 从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy

  90. 按揭购房 buy a house on a mortgage ; mortgage a house

  91. 边际效益 marginal benefit

  92. 不良贷款 non-performing loan

  93. 裁减冗员 lay off redundant staff; cut down on overstaffing

  94. 产品更新换代 upgrade of products

  95. 创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park

  96. 促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy

  97. 家庭联产承包责任制 household contract responsibility system

  98. 人才战 competition for talented people

  99. 脱贫致富 shake/cast off poverty and set out a road to prosperity

  100. 资源优化配置 optimizing the allocation of resources

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学


