
2017-01-18 16:52:11来源:网络


  I: Interviewer

  H: Dr. Harley

  I: Good morning, Dr. Harley. Thank you verymuch for coming on our radio talk. We know thatyou are an applied linguist specializing in second language acquisition.

  H: Right.

  I: So, today. Urmm…we’ll look at this issue.Now, first Dr. Harley. Could you please tell us whatis second language acquisition?

  H: Well, second language acquisition is “happenswhen a child or adult has already becomecompetent at a language. Then, urmm…theyattempt to learn another.”

  I: Ok, most people think, including me, itis difficult to learn another language. What are thereasons? Why is it so?

  H: Well, there are a number of reasons forthis. Urmm…first, there have been research studies.They have shown that some aspectsof language learning especially syntax are more difficultbeyond a certain age,say after around 12 years of age.

  I: So, age plays an important role inlanguage learning?

  H: Yes. But that’s not the only reason.

  I: Oh, is that so?

  H: Yes. For example, time and interest. Oldchildren and adults often have less time andmotivation to learn a secondlanguage.

  I: Mm…

  H: Another reason related to thesimilarities and differences between one’s other tongue and asecond language. Wefind that learners will experience difficulty when their mother tongue andthesecond language they are learning differ. In general, the more idiom syncretic feature is

  (10分15秒) in a particular language relativeto other languages, the more difficult it will be toacquire.

  I: Perhaps this is the key issue. Differencesbetween languages cause language learningproblems.

  H: Well, this may be one of the issues here,but this cannot be the whole story, as not alldifferences between languagescause difficulty. Let me give you an example.

  I: OK.

  H: Research has found that many heirs (10分42秒)by Czech speakers learning English weremade on syntactic constructions inwhich the two languages do not differ.

  I: Oh, really. The picture is morecomplicated than we’ve imaged.

  H: Definitely yes. Each language learningsituation is different. So reasons vary a lot from caseto case.

  I: Now, Dr. Harley. Since learning a secondlanguage is a difficult process, you know, in one wayor another. Are there anymethods so far if they give methods to teach a second language(11分12秒)?

  H: There again. No method is absolutelyeffective in all situations. Some may prove effective,others may not. I mean,all depending on specific conditions. But generally speaking, there area numberof methods that have been used to teach a second language.

  I: Could you mention a few?

  H: For instance, there is the traditionalmethod. This method is based on translation from onelanguage to another andemphasizes grammar teaching.

  I: Mm…

  H: And then you have direct method, which focuseson conversational skills and all teachingmust be carried out in the secondlanguage.

  I: Oh, I see. Any other methods?

  H: Yes. For example, the audiolingual method.This method emphasizes speaking and listeningbefore reading and writing.

  I: How interesting!

  H: Then you have the immersion method. Thismethod teaches learners exclusively throughthe medium of the second language.

  I: How?

  H: Well, it simply means that you can notspeak mother tongue. Everything must be done in thelanguage you are learning. Tome, the most natural method of learning a new language is what Icall submersion.That is, to go to that country and be surrounded exclusively by speakersofthat language.

  I: Thank you very much, Dr. Harley, forintroducing some of the language teaching methods.Now let’s move on to somethinga bit theoretical. Since second language acquisition andteaching are fascinatingarea for researchers, are there any theories to explain second languageacquisition.

  H: Yes, many theories and models have beenput forward by researchers so far. Today, I’d liketo mention the five hypothesesproposed by Stephen Krashen.

  I: OK.

  H: The five hypotheses, or what he calls, themonitor model of second language learning.

  I: What does it mean?

  H: OK. The first hypothesis is the acquisitionand learning distinction hypothesis. Accordingto Krashen, children acquire theirfirst language largely unconsciously and automatical, butadults could only learna second language consciously and effortfully. And adults could indeedacquire thesecond language, at least in part.

  I: Right. Then what’s his second hypothesis?

  H: His second hypothesis is the natural orderin acquisition hypothesis. Basically, he meansthat the ordering which learnersacquire syntactic rules is the same in both languages.

  I: Oh, that’s something really new to me.

  H: The third hypothesis is the monitor hypothesis,which is central to his theory. Here again,we come across the distinctionbetween acquisition and learning. According to this hypothesis,the acquisitionprocesses create sentences in the second language, right? But learningenablesthe development of a monitoring process to check and edit this. The monitor usesknowledge ofthe rules. That’s why, as I said just now, learning is a conscious process.

  I: This mean, in learning, you useknowledge of the language to make sure what you say orwrite is correct. Isthat so?

  H: Yes. His fourth hypothesis is thecomprehensible input hypothesis. In order to move fromone stage to the next, thelearner must understand the meaning and the form of the input.This emphasizesthe role comprehension. And finally, the active filter hypothesis. Thissuggestsattitude and emotional factors are also important in second languageacquisition.

  I: I guess Krashen’s model has provided auseful framework for second language learning.

  H: Yes, it indeed has and it has also provedto be one of the most influential theoreticalapproaches to teaching a secondlanguage.

  I: OK, Dr. Harley. Thank you once again fortalking to us about second language acquisition.

  H: Pleasure.

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