
2016-07-07 14:44:21来源:网络


  “Kids living with young parents are smarter,” says Ms Li, holding her one-year-old grandson, dressed in the traditional split trousers still common in Chinese rural areas. “I am illiterate. I can feed him but I can’t teach him. All I can do is let him play around the house,” she says. Still, there is obviously no shortage of love in this home: as Ms Li speaks, her husband naps cuddled up with the other toddler in an adjoining room, and plants a kiss on the top of his head when he wakes. Both grandparents seem reluctant to put their grandchildren down.


  Experts are divided on how much children being raised by grandparents are hurt, in terms of educational or even physical development — or even if there is a negative impact at all.

  斯坦福大学(Stanford University)经济学教授、农村教育行动项目(Rural Education Action Program)联合创始人罗思高(Scott Rozelle)说,有家人外出打工的家庭要做一番权衡取舍。近10年来,农村教育行动项目一直在收集中国偏远农村地区儿童的数据。罗思高对中国农村儿童(包括父母在身边以及不在身边的)所做的研究是迄今规模最大的相关研究之一。

  There are trade-offs involved in having a migrant in the family, says Scott Rozelle, professor of economics at Stanford University and co-founder of the Rural Education Action Program, which has been collecting data on children in China’s remote rural areas for a decade. He conducted one of the largest studies so far of the state of China’s rural children, both with and without parents.


  The study’s findings go against the conventional wisdom. “Left behind children are not the most vulnerable in rural China,” the study’s authors write, adding they “perform equally or even better than children living with parents on the health, nutrition and education indicators we examine”.


  Mr Rozelle’s point is not that things are just fine for left behind kids — but that both kids living with and without parents in rural areas are vulnerable, and that increasing government resources targeted to helping left behind kids, such as surrogate parenting programmes, may be misspent.


  When it comes to emotional distress, such as loneliness, anxiety, depression and even suicidal tendencies, most studies find that left behind kids suffer more than those that live with their parents. Yet even here, the evidence is unclear.

  任强与唐纳德礠雷曼(Donald Treiman)2013年所做的一项研究发现:“父母一方或双方都外出打工或者跟父母一方或双方一起迁居外地对孩子的心理健康影响不大”,因为这些孩子并非父母离婚或者遭到亲生父母遗弃的受害者,他们是“社会关系完整的家庭”的成员,父母仍对他们尽责——即使他们不住在家里。

  A 2013 study by Qiang Ren and Donald Treiman found that “being left behind by one or both parents or migrating with one or both parents has little effect on emotional health”, because these children are not victims of divorce or parental abandonment, they are members of “socially intact families” where the parents remain committed to them, even if they do not live at home.


  Tech bridges the miles


  Wang Junfeng, and Yang Xinge, whose children are back at Doujia village, hope their children will see it that way. They work about 1,500km away in Shanghai, and only go back once a year. But they use WeChat, the Chinese mobile messaging service, to keep in touch at least once a week and monitor children’s homework online. In fact their children are such good students that they decided to migrate even further from home, so they could earn enough to put them through college.


  “Thanks to technology, I don’t think that me being away has a big impact on the children,” says Mr Wang. “I can have face-to-face contact with my children via WeChat, and ask about their performance at school, their daily life and what’s happening in the family,” he says. But he notes that every time his wife looks at the children’s photos on WeChat, she cries.


  Still, like most migrants, the couple agree: it had to be done. They have kids to put through university, a new house to pay off and elders to support. They are willing to sacrifice traditional family life for a better life for their children. The migrant miracle may be ending, but it is still the best way for rural people to access the Chinese dream — with or without their children.


  Extended family


  Ni Meihong says she could not bear to leave her baby in the village, so she brought him to the big city to live — but that meant bringing Grandma too.


  Her nine-year-old son, Zhou Nijun, was born in her rural village on Chongming Island, two hours from Shanghai. When he was three months old, he and his grandmother Ye Shiying came to live with Ms Ni and her migrant worker husband in Baoshan, a suburb popular with Chongming migrants. More migrants are bringing children along, according to a government report published last year. But it is far from easy. The couple had to spend Rmb200,000 ($31,000) — a vast sum for the average migrant worker — to buy a flat in Baoshan so that her son could go to school there. “If you don’t have property, it is not possible to get into school there,” she says.


  Ms Ni and her husband, a taxi driver, represent what government officials say is a “new stage” of labour migration in China. Wang Qian, head of the migrant population department at China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission, said last year that couples are starting to move their children to stay with them. “It starts with the migration of an individual, then the couple, then the children and later on it will be the elderly people,” he said.


  But that takes money most migrants do not have. Most prefer to live as cheaply as possible, in company dormitories where possible, or even in prefabricated housing on building sites, to save every renminbi to send back home. And even if they had the money to bring baby, they do not have the funds to bring grandma too: migrant children who live with parents who work long hours in urban areas are often just as neglected, or even more so, than they would be back home, researchers say.

专四专八精选好课 暖心助学

新东方好老师 手把手带学



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